Page 11 of Tank
Chapter 4
Love Abounds
He felt like he’d been hit by a truck maybe. That kiss had completely stunned him. Tank had been around a long time and felt many things, but he didn’t know how to take Missy. She was different and he knew it.
Having just returned from Ariel’s, he could hardly go back now to discuss this with her. Besides, everyone knew she was a hopeless matchmaker. Of course, her matches always seemed to work out in the end. They weren’t always white wolves either. Anyone could end up being a target if they get too close or called attention to themselves.
Many of her matches made it into her books eventually too. Tank could understand it was hard to keep coming up with couples for so many books. Not just the main couples either, she often mentioned others as well. Friends or secondary characters might be based on matches she had made. Why not? If she was the reason for their happiness they shouldn’t mind.
How did he know so much about her books? He was an avid reader and Ariel’s books were the best. Why wouldn’t he read them? He’d even read them long before she’d become the white wolf. Tank knew what was good. Ariel was a friend, a good one.
It was time to go to bed and he was sure he’d have thoughts and dreams about Missy. There was little doubt in his mind that Ariel had set them up. What else would you call it? He got ready for bed with little but Missy on his mind. It would be a long week before the weekend would allow him more time with her. Even then, they’d be working but she was fun to work with.
Nearly the end of the week and they’d shared supper every night. Jag had dropped in on them about half the time. With it being Thursday, maybe they would escape his company. He headed in the house where he smelled something marvelous and noticed she was cooking in the crockpots. Hitting his room, he dropped what he carried on his bed and considered a shower but decided against it as he headed back to the kitchen.
Once there, he got a drink and sat at the table to see if Missy showed up. She did just moments later. “Hello, Beautiful.”
“Hi.” Jag said from behind her. “I didn’t know you’d noticed.” Tank wanted to hit him. Instead, he said nothing. How unlucky could he get? “I know you’ll be upset, but I have an appointment and can’t stay long.”
Tank fought a grin. “I hope it all goes well for you.”
“Thanks. Me too.” Jag replied as he hurried off to his room.
Now his attention went to Missy. “What you got cooking?”
“There’s stew and chili. I also have corn bread muffins and I’m going to make a salad. Dessert is in the fridge.”
“You’ve been busy.”
“Yeah. I’ve been working in the barn upstairs too. The bathroom is done and the kitchen nearly so. Would you mind helping move some furniture from a shed to the barn?” Missy asked.
“Of course not.”
She grinned at him. “We’ll do it right after we eat. Food is ready once I get it on the table.”
He didn’t need to be asked. Tank began to set the table and put the potholders down for the hot items. Missy seemed pleased with his help. Jag made him look good since he never helped at all. Once he did that, he helped by setting the cornbread out of the oven then covering it. There was no room on the table for it. That was a big oven dish it was in.
“Thank you, Tank.”
“Thank, you for cooking such a lovely meal.”
There was salad, stew, cornbread, and later there would be dessert. His mouth began to water. Missy put serving spoons everywhere needed. “Let’s eat.”
He was ready and started to fix his food. She did as well. They ate without taking and finished the meal quickly. Once they cleaned up it was time to move the furniture she wanted. Walking out to the shed. She unlocked it and showed him what needed moved. The shed was packed with all kinds of things. He pulled out some mattresses and moved them first. She followed with part of the frame.
Next, he moved a couch, and she brought the headboard. Tank moved a dresser, and she moved the footboard. It continued on until they’d moved in enough furniture to fill the apartment and there was still more left. Missy seemed happy so he was happy.
“Thank you so much. It’s probably a good time to turn in now. The weekend is coming soon.” She observed.
They went their separate ways and he thought one more day of work. Saturday would be when they worked the fences, and they would start by doing one pasture at a time. His bed called him, so he showered and then turned in. Sleep came quickly and, in the morning, he felt well rested. Missy had something for him to eat then he was on his way. Work went well then, he was finally finished at the end of the day. He wondered how the apartment had gone as she’d furnished it. Why had they even had an extra barn? Tank had no clue.
When he arrived home, the chili was on but there was no stew. Missy was no where to be seen so he headed out to the small barn. There were sounds upstairs, so he headed there. Looking around, he saw she’d cleaned the furniture and set everything where it needed to go.
“Hey, Tank. What do you think?” Missy asked.
“Looks like it’s nearly done, and you did it quick.”
“I’ll still have to hook the water in below before it runs up here. That’s when I’ll know if I made any mistakes.”