Page 12 of Tank
“You plan to do that today?” Tank asked.
“I doubt that I’ll get it done but I’ll start on it.”
“Let me help.”
“Are you sure?” She asked.
“I’ve got a tough boss tomorrow, but if I oversleep, she might understand.”
“Oh, you. Okay. Let’s get to work.”
They went downstairs and she had everything laid out. It would be close quarters, but he didn’t mind. He liked being close to her. Before long, he saw she knew what she was doing. They were working right up against each other and he couldn’t help it. He stole a kiss. Missy blushed prettily but didn’t say a thing.
She didn’t say anything, so he didn’t either. But as he worked, his mind was on her. They were some sexy thoughts, that was for sure. He wasn’t old, not for a bear. But he was old enough by human years. A lot of thoughts had gone into a mate, more of those thoughts as time had passed. Sweet thoughts had come to mind, more and more often. Tank knew being ready for love didn’t mean you’d find it.
They were nearly ready for the water. Just a couple of pipes needed hooked in then the water turned back on. Missy had been careful to shut things down properly. Working hard, they would get it back on tonight. Hopefully, it would work properly. Once they had it all connected, they were ready.
“Missy, let’s give it a try.” Tank suggested.
She left the room. and he heard the water rushing through the pipes moments later. “How is it doing?”
“No leaks so far.”
They ran up the stairs watching the pipes as they moved along. Water ran out of the sink where it had been turned on. He turned it off and everything held. They now checked the bathroom finding it all great. The closet setup for a washer/dryer set held fine as well. Tank was excited and turned to her with open arms as she jumped on him.
There was nothing but excitement and no thought as he kissed her like a lover and moved them to the master bed. Clothes went everywhere as instincts took over and they fell on the bed, naked and ready. No thoughts intruded as his hands moved over her body and his rock-hard shaft speared inside her center.
If thoughts tried to enter, they were beaten down as they went wild merging their bodies and enjoying the marvelous feelings of celebration. Tank pounded into her sending her deep into the mattress they lay on. She curled around him pushing her toes into the soft part of his ass cheeks. Goddess, he’d never felt so wonderful.
Her body tightened around him as she finally released her joy screaming her release loud and clear. It was enough to push him to his as he roared in the way of the bear. Once his body quieted, he rolled pulling her on top of him as they both relaxed. What the hell had just happened? Sure, they’d both been interested in each other. Feelings had begun to develop, but this had been way over the top.
Missy began to pull back then she slipped off of him. He lay there a few minutes letting her gather clothes and begin to dress. Shifters were different but she was human. She might feel embarrassed or even have regrets though he hoped not.
“Hey, thanks. I’d have never gotten the pipes done tonight. I’ll see you in the morning.”
Goddess. He’d thought she was about to thank him for sex. At least she’d not done that. They would ignore the sex instead. Tank could do that if that was what she preferred. Not that he wanted to. It had been incredible, and he wanted to do it again. She was gone and it was time to get ready for bed.
Turning off the lights, he locked the doors then headed to the house. Fixing a cup of tea in her machine, he carried it to his room. Humans were odd about sex. She’d been embarrassed enough to just ignore it. That’s not the way he felt about it. All he could do was think about it. In his room, he hurried to take a shower and dry off.
Lying naked in his bed, she’d assuaged his need for now. Sleep would come soon. If only he had her lying in his arms now. Instead, he would be wishing he had her with him. He’d sleep now and maybe in his dreams he’d chase her. Tank didn’t chase females, but he’d had a few in his time. Missy was the one he thought he wanted. He woke after sunrise ready to get to work.
The aroma of coffee tickled his nose. Bacon scent filled the air. After dressing he went to find Missy. She was cooking and she acknowledged him without any indication of what had happened last night. Missy set his plate in front of him then fixed her own and sat right by him. There was something between them, but she was cool this morning. It was understandable.
They ate their meal, his was bigger but she ate slower. “Where do you want to start at today?” She asked.
“We should pick a pasture nearby. Maybe one around the barn?” He suggested.
“That sounds good.” She agreed.
They finished their food and cleaned up before heading out. The work was hard, but they worked well together and what had happened last night hadn’t affected that. They talked a lot, and he found she had heard much about him while he’d heard little about her.
“I speak to the others a lot on the phone mostly. They speak of you from time to time.” Missy admitted.
“I know little about you.” He admitted.
“When grandpa was sick, little went on in my life. TJ mentioned you visited there and helped them out.”
“I did. It wasn’t the best of things going on.”