Page 22 of Tank
She picked an action/adventure movie. He’d not seen it before, and it was good. It was time now to head to bed, but he wanted more. After last time, he was worried that they would be disturbed. He led her down the hall and they moved into her bedroom. Hopefully, she wanted him half as much as he wanted her.
Clothes went everywhere and so far, there were no problems. Pulling her naked body into his arms, he dropped his lips to hers eating up her desire and giving her his. His hands moved over her silky skin and his need grew powerfully. This was the only woman he wanted and whether she became a supe or not, he intended to eventually claim her as his.
Sooner might be better, but he wanted to be sure it was what she wanted as well. “Goddess, Missy. You are what I want.”
She didn’t answer and that caused an ache in him. Still, he couldn’t stop his need from overflowing. Picking her up, he placed her on the bed and joined her. Naked, they were ready to make love. His knee pressed between her thigh and his other knee joined it. His mouth plundered her hers as he showed her his passion.
“Tank. I want you.” She admitted.
This time there were no interruptions. His long needy staff pressed for entrance against her wet center and began to slide in. Missy pushed up, needing and wanting it in there. It began to slide as she moaned “Yes!”
Before long, it was all the way in. It felt marvelous and they both moaned. He began to move in and out. Before long he pounded in and out of his sweet Missy. Pleasure built until it overflowed, and he held off until she exploded, and he followed. Tank rolled and pulled her against him and they fell asleep.
His bear roused. There was a sound and he just knew someone was coming. He got up and pulled on his boxers then woke Missy. Someone was coming and it wasn’t good. It seemed they still wanted his woman. Next time he’d mate her. There seemed to be no other answer.
Were the guards up too? He hoped so. Missy was dressed and he moved to the doorway as she went to the window with the riot gun. That thing was worth having. The window slowly moved open. Bang! Someone screamed. Suddenly wolves rushed to him. He saw a guard coming his way. The other one must have been taken out. He grabbed the emergency button and pressed it.
Tyne would be on his way if he wasn’t already. Why couldn’t these guys just quit? He began pounding on them as they s to him attacking. Missy was shooting them and then throwing things when she ran out of bullets. She ran low on things to throw then she was slamming the window down on them. It was a solid board now since at some time they’d broken the window.
This was getting old fast. He heard a truck pull on outside. Goddess, hopefully it was Tyne and the guys. There were loud yells as a fight broke out and less wolves were coming in. Maybe more would have money on them, and Missy would get more. He could always hope. After they mated, it would pay for the damage they were doing.
Missy yelled. One of them got close enough to grab her so he reached over and smacked him. He went flying into the wall leaving a hole. Oops, There was another needed repair. Still, the important thing was to keep Missy here. The attack had backed off as Tyne’s people took over.
“You guys in here?” Moe yelled.
“We’re here.” Tank offered.
There was Moe. “They were after you again.”
“Seems that way.” Tank agreed.
“A shame we can’t stop that.” Moe commented. Did she mean what he thought?
“Any luck tracking the guy down?” Tank asked.
“What do you mean?” Moe asked.
“The alpha after her.” Tank asked.
“No luck yet. He denies it.” Moe explained.
“Hey, we got more with money on them.” Tyne offered.
“I guess that’s good.” Missy finally said.
“They sure like to mess up weekends.” Moe grouched.
“You can say that again.” Missy agreed. “We’re tired then from working fence.”
“That all you’re working?” Moe giggled.
Tank knew what she was hinting about. But Missy gave her a blank look. They were getting the guys together and they would get them off.
“We’ll get the money together for you. Keep those guards working.” Tyne encouraged.
His brother would be here likely tomorrow. That’s when the fun would be on. The attackers had given them a week off but that probably wouldn’t keep happening. At the rate she was making money off the attackers, maybe they needed to make some extra beds for guards. It was something to think about.
Missy went back to bed, but he wasn’t invited. Tank headed to his own room and hoped to catch a good night’s sleep. In the morning, they ate breakfast and he headed to work. She would finish her downstairs barn or not. When he made it back, she was nearly done, and supper was cooking.
The reason she’d not got it finished was she’d worked on the back of the house getting more done there too. There were now two beds and a bed couch. If she needed more guards, they could stay. Tomorrow the bottom barn apartment would be complete. Not a bad day’s work either.
The week went fast. An attack on Tuesday made it more complicated but it sped up anyway. Where did they find all these wolves? Thank the goddess for Tyne and Moe. Tomorrow would be the weekend when they traditionally attacked. At least he would be here to protect his soon to be mate. His life would soon be coming together, he just knew it.
Missy told him supper was ready and the aroma of pork chops, fried potatoes, peas and carrots, and a salad filled his nose. She was an amazing cook. The underlying scent of a cake baked earlier too faded to be sure what it was could be barely picked up. Their was also fresh baked bread she’d just buttered. Yum!
He and the guard sat down with her, the table full of food to eat. This was a perfect meal she had ready for them. They all seemed to enjoy it and as usual, he helped clean up. Again, she asked if he wanted to see a movie and he led her into the living room. This evening seemed to go much like last Friday. The movie was good, and they headed to bed once it was done.
Tank escorted her to her room, and she allowed him to enter. Maybe she was getting used to him loving her? He certainly was enjoying it. Thank the goddess there were no sounds outside. Tonight, would be a good one to claim her and then they would leave her alone. Right? That was his greatest hope.