Page 3 of Tank
They both hung up. There was a knock on the door. She rushed over to open it. Tank was there. “Come in.”
He did and she led him to the table and gestured to a chair. “I thought I’d come and look at the room and we can discuss what you want me to do.”
“Let’s look at the room first.” Missy suggested. She’d thought about giving the sexy guy the furthest room from hers. But Ariel had suggested giving him the closest. Who knew what other people she’d have as renters and at least Tank was a gentleman.
“This is great. I’ll even have my own bathroom. Where’s your room?”
“It’s next door to you. Ariel said you’d be the best choice to have nearby.”
“I wouldn’t do anything to harm you and I would look out for you.” He promised. She believed him.
“Would you like something to drink?”
“I really need to get things done because I have to work tomorrow.”
“What do you do?”
“I’m a forest ranger.” He admitted.
“Is that why you look so familiar?”
“Yes, I do tours when younger people come to the park especially Ariel’s young relatives.”
“I was one of those not all that long ago. Not that I went often, but those summer camps were wonderful.”
“Ariel is great.” Tank agreed.
“We’re here. I want to get the garden back in shape. Grandpa had cancer and things just fell apart. Half will go in tomatoes, Lucille, a friend who has a fruit stand, will sell most of those. The other half is for a variety of things.”
“Do you have a tiller and other needed things?”
“I do. The best would be to do whatever you can with the tractor. It has the needed attachments.” Missy suggested.
“When do you want to start?”
“I’ll move in tonight and start on the work Saturday since I’ll not work my regular job that day. How many hours would you like me to work for my weekly rent?”
“I know little about that. Ariel said a hundred a week was fair so work whatever hours you feel that would cover. You have a room and bathroom and kitchen privileges, also access to the living room and the washer and dryer.”
“Alright. I’ll do what I can.” He offered. Tank left right after that and a couple arrived.
Several groups of cats were setting up their homes and public places for their kind. Not all of them could live in those areas they had. They told her they were jaguars and needed a place long term. They were both likable and they thought the apartment upstairs would do well for them and their two children.
They left after paying a deposit, the first month’s rent and receiving the key. That was a lot to get done, but another male showed up. He was one of those that had been at Ariel’s. She gave him the furthest room from hers. It made her feel better when he left. He would be able to come and go through the back door. His name was Jag and he said he worked nights so they would have little contact.
One more person showed up. She was a female but tough as nails. Doris took the room immediately and paid a deposit and rent. “I’ll move in tonight and start staying here right away.”
“That’s fine.” Missy confirmed. Things were going well. If Doris wanted to, she bet she’d do well on the farm or helping fix the house. That would be up to Doris at some point.
She felt better about everything. Ariel was great and the best help anyone could get. Tank would start on the garden on the morning. The tractor and other implements were all in the barn where he could easily get them. Missy had checked on them and they were in good condition and the tractor ran. That should make things easier.
It was hard to say why but only Jag made her nervous. He’d shown no interest in her but that would change if he knew she had white wolf blood. She pushed her concerns aside. Andi was coming for breakfast. Missy made bacon and eggs to go with whatever Andi brought. When Andi arrived, it turned out she’d brought donuts and a cherry cheesecake for later.
She led the way to the back room where they would check out the stored items right after they finished eating. “Oh, goodness.” Andi exclaimed. “Some of this stuff is old.”
“I’m not sure I’ll sell all of it.”