Page 4 of Tank
“What about this?”
“Do you know what it is and how old?” Missy asked.
“Older than this country.” Andi answered honestly. “I believe it’s a Wedding Chest, but I can’t even guess how old. I’ll give you 5000 for it empty. I love it that much. I see another one, so you won’t do without.”
“Okay. I need the money. The other one is my grandmother’s, and I can’t let it go. I’ll move it in my room because I have a little space. Let’s see what’s in this one.”
“It’s full with quilts on top and something heavy on the bottom.” Andi observed. “We’ll need some help. This place is packed full of stuff.”
“It will take a week to empty.” Missy said.
“That gives you a lot to sell. Or use somewhere.” Andi observed.
“You’re right, but I need to rent this area out. Ariel helped me and the rest of the place is rented, except for my room.”
“They’ll be sharing the bathroom.”
“Yes, that’s unfortunate.” Missy agreed.
“Right now, places to live are in big demand. You’ll find someone anyway. Who will they share with?”
“A guy named Jag.”
“He’s a cat.” Andi observed.
“Yeah, you know him?”
“I do. He keeps to himself. Not especially friendly or likable.” She whispered low.
“Agreed.” At least she knew she wasn’t being harsh in her judgements. Maybe he’d get more likable in time.
They continued to go through stuff and Andi bought some rugs, furniture, and vases. A few other decorative items also went with her. “I’d buy more, but this is all that will fit in my SUV.” Andi observed with a giggle. “You might find the need for a few of these items yourself. That small barn would make two good apartments.”
“I’ve thought about it. Won’t it be expensive to put a bath and kitchen in each?” Missy asked.
“Not as much as you think, especially if you go with used tubs, sinks, and toilets.”
“You know where I can get those?”
“Some of them. Beth and Mairi recently did some remodeling. I’d check there first. Do one apartment at a time. That way you’ll get some money coming in.” Andi advised. “The girls might even trade for some of your items.”
“Thanks. You want some lunch?”
“I’ll have to eat fast then run.”
“Come on. I have sandwiches, chips, and your dessert.”
“Sounds good.” Andi said as she sat while Missy pulled the meal together.
Jag came in the side door and stopped near the table. “Any meals come with the rent?” He asked hopefully.
“Not usually, but I can make you a sandwich and give you a bag of chips.” Missy went to get it together as he talked to Andi.
“Aren’t you Sebastian’s mate and a white wolf?”
“That’s me.”
“What are you doing here?”