Page 18 of Wallflower Witch
“Does the book say anything about what azurite is linked to?” asks Josh excitedly.
I pull the grimoire out of my purse and open it to the page marked with a ribbon. Scanning the list of crystals used for magic, I find what I’m looking for. “Azurite: increases psychic powers. It also has healing powers and will help maintain good physical and mental health. Well, that’s not too bad, right?” I ask.
Matt gives a deep chuckle, “If you believe in the woo-woo stuff, yeah, that doesn’t sound too bad. Maintaining good mental health is important. Where did you say you found this? I’ve not heard of a piece this size being found in ages.”
“Spells Hollow,” I answer, my face flushing slightly. This is why I stopped telling people the truth of what I really saw when I was a child. No one believes you when you say you can see ghosts.
“That haunted place?” Matt asks.
“Yep,” answers Josh. “We are heading back there after this. Want to come with us in case we find some other crystals?”
“It could be a good place to lie low,” adds Patrick. “I doubt very many people would come that far to find you.”
Matt thinks for a minute before nodding slowly, “When you put it like that, yeah. It probably is a good place to hide out in for a little while. And maybe we will score some more stones while we are out there that I can add to my collection.”
“Good.” I smile. “I have a feeling we’ll be needing more of your help. Let’s grab you a bag and get on the road. Something tells me we are on the edge of something big.”
As soon as we’re outside of the restaurant, Matt loosens his tie and rolls up the sleeves of his dark gray three-piece suit, looking less and less like he has a stick up his ass with every second.
“All right, let me get this straight. So Josh went to be an idiot and explore a haunted town, trapped himself in a crypt, and nearly died until you two happened to show up. So why were you both there?” Is there some haunted town convention happening that I don’t know about?” Matthew chuckles.
Patrick glances at me, probably noticing my obvious reluctance to mention much about my reason. “Well, since some people end up wandering into Spells Hollow, then get lost, it’s always important to check on things. My ancestors have lived in the area for centuries, and we sort of take it upon ourselves to keep an eye on it.”
“I thought Josh said it was just some mysterious place full of ‘untapped potential’ because no one in their right mind would ever go there. Making the cursed town some big local legend or something.” Matt glares over at his friend. “Not that I believe in things like curses, but it’s obvious there are weird things happening there. And this idiot decides he just has to go and try to get himself killed.”
“Oh, you were listening when I told you that stuff? I just figured you’d zoned me out like usual,” Josh teases cheekily, tousling Matt’s hair until it’s fluffy and not at all in the perfect comb-over it had been. “You know I’ve always loved hiking and doing stupid things. Why not combine both in one adventure? Besides, thanks to that, I got to meet Mor and Patrick.”
I think I hear Matt grumble something like, “yeah, and almost died in the process,” but he drops it, heading towards a shiny new silver Bentley. “My lady?” He opens the passenger door, holding it for me to join him. “Josh, I’ve been crashing at your place since all these death threats have heated up. Would you direct Patrick on how to get there while I race ahead and show Morrigan all your embarrassing baby pictures? Thanks!” He doesn’t wait for a response, closing the door after me before running around to hop into the driver’s seat.
Once we’re a few blocks away, he shoots me a grin. “So, Morrigan, how did a cute gal like you get caught up with Whirlwind Josh?”
I chuckle at the nickname. “Just fate, I guess.” I shrug.
He glances over, arching one perfectly shaped eyebrow.
“Don’t tell me you don’t believe in fate?” I narrow my eyes at him.
He copies my shrug. “Not really. Who would want to believe that there is some force outside our control dictating what happens in our lives? I much prefer to think that we make our own destinies by how we choose to live each day.”
I purse my lips, processing his idea. “That makes some sense, but what about the times you can’t control? Like me and this connection to Spell’s Hollow.”
“Other people affect our lives with their choices, if that’s what you mean. So yes, you can’t control everything that happens in your life,” Matt states.
We both sit in quiet contemplation for the last few minutes of the drive before pulling into an underground parking garage.
“I shouldn’t take too long, but I’d recommend coming upstairs with me. Better safe than sorry, right?”
I nod as Matt opens his door. He hurries around the car, grabbing my door for me as well.
“Well, aren’t you the gentleman?” I joke.
“My mom always told me, ‘If you find something special, you take care of it, so you don’t lose it.’” Matt smiles, offering me a hand. “And I’m pretty sure you’re something special.”
My cheeks warm. I’m saved from answering as a squeal of tires rents the air, and Patrick’s car comes speeding into the garage.
Josh jumps out before the car is fully stopped.
“What the hell, Matt?!” he yells, running toward us. “Not cool, stealing my girl like that!”