Page 19 of Wallflower Witch
My face, which had started to return to its normal pale shade, flames red again.
“Your girl?” I hear from two different voices and directions. Patrick sounds angry, while Matt sounds intrigued.
“Ummm… our girl?” Josh says.
“Well, that’s not what I expected,” mutters Matt under his breath. “But to each their own.”
“Moving on,” I practically yell, flapping my arms to start everyone moving as I take off towards a random wall.
“Where are we going?” Matt asks as he follows my directions.
“To get your bag…” I trail off.
“Then we should probably head to the stairs or the elevator, which are”—he points in the opposite direction from where I’m going—“that way.”
I spin on my heel and march in the direction Matt indicated. I pass Josh, who has a hand on Patrick’s arm, holding him back from following me originally. They quickly fall into step with me while stifling their laughter.
* * *
The sun is setting as we pull back up to the motel. Matt rode back with us, hoping the new car would make it harder for anyone looking for him to notice he left town.
I stiffly climb out of the backseat, then twist back and forth, cracking my back and sighing in relief.
“Well, this is…something,” says Matt, taking in the lack of buildings or people around. “Where did you find the azurite?” He looks around for the tree we’d described to him earlier, crinkling his brow.
“It’s in the town of Spells Hollow,” says Patrick.
“And aren’t we in Spells Hollow?”
“Nor really,” Patrick answers. “There’s a small road back up the road a little ways. It leads to where the town was. We will head out there in the morning. The road isn’t in the best shape and is hard enough to pass when you can see where you’re going.”
“We’ve had a room here since last night, so you are welcome to join us, or we can get you another room,” I offer. “I doubt whoever is hunting you would come this far.”
“Or make it through the night if they tried,” says Josh.
“How would it work if we all shared a room?” asks Matt. “Like aren’t there only two beds?”
“Yes,” answers Patrick. “But I’m down to cuddle with Mor and I don’t mind sharing the space with Josh, too.”
My face flames again as Josh answers, “As long as I’m not the little spoon.”
“So I’d get a bed to myself,” Matt muses. “Sounds good to me. Lead the way.”
We take him to our room at the end. Opening the door, we find that the beds are made and our bags sit neatly lined up on the floor. Someone even added fresh flowers on the desk. Quoth is sleeping in his cage, barely opening his eyes before he’s back to snoozing.
“I call first shower,” I announce, heading to the bathroom before anyone can reply.
Closing the door behind me, I let out a long breath, wondering how my life has gotten this off track.
I hurry through my shower, aware that the guys may want a turn. Reentering the room, I find the three guys sitting around talking and laughing with an episode of Friends playing in the background.
The conversation cuts off as Josh meets my eyes, quickly followed by the other two.
“Way to make a girl feel welcome,” I say, dropping my gaze to my feet.
All three men start speaking at once.
“It’s not what you think,” Patrick blurts.