Page 180 of Tease Me
The car rolls to a stop outside my new office building. “Fine, but I think Coop should be in charge tonight.”
They still sometimes try to dominate me between the two of them. I’m all for it personally.
Before Blake can say anything, I kiss him and slide out with my coffee. I’m happy to let Blake be in charge of me, as long as he lets me come.
I draw in a breath and stare up at the glass-and-metal building. It’s a new chapter in my life. I’m excited to see if this could be my future. But whatever the future holds, I have four men that will be with me every step of the way.
Chapter 177
The Final Epilogue
The Future
It’s chaos when I open the door to our townhouse. I’m the last to arrive home because I had a call I had to make that kept me late at work.
“Papa’s home!” A little blond terror runs past me in the foyer.
“No running, Oliver!” I say after him, though I know it won’t make a difference.
“Hi, Papa!” His other half slams into my leg, hugging it.
I brush Olivia’s curls out of her blue eyes and she gives me a huge grin. “Where’s Mommy?”
“Upstairs, getting ready.” She squeals as Oliver flies past and she takes off after him.
“Oliver, Olivia, bath time!” Blake yells from the top of the stairs.
At the little voice, I look up to find one of our toddlers descending the stairs with a bright smile on his face. His dark hair falls into his eyes as he takes one step at a time while holding onto the railing. His green eyes sparkle as he gets to the second to the last stair and launches himself at me.
I scoop him up on instinct. He giggles and kisses my cheek.
“Miss you.” His pudgy toddler hands hold my face still as he very seriously looks into my eyes.
“I missed you too, Liam.” I shift him to my side. “Shall we go find the others?”
He nods and his fingers play with the back of my hair. If anyone had told me I’d thrive with this chaos in my life, I would have told them to check themselves into a mental hospital.
After Madison went to work at Cliodhna, our business was still booming. A few of those years we barely saw each other, catching time together whenever and wherever we could. We made sure to keep Sundays as our day to play. No one worked on Sundays, that became our rule.
Eventually, Coop actually proposed to Madison, but at the same time that we all did. Our relationship has never been conventional, but it’s ours. We found a way to make our lives one with the help of a lawyer and a wedding service that satisfied all of our families.
A few years after that, the twins were born. They favor Madison, but it doesn’t matter who the biological father technically is, because they’re ours. Just like Madison has always been ours.
A year later came James, our first dark-haired child with bright blue eyes. Then came Liam, and while the green eyes could be Blake’s, there’s a probability that he could be any of ours. Xander followed a year later with dark hair and blue eyes. And last is baby Sophie with her blond hair and brown eyes.
While Madison has all our help, she finally said no more for a while. It might have become almost a competition to impregnate her. None of us had that on our kink list, but something about seeing her with a swollen belly made us all a little insane.
I walk into the kitchen with Liam and he struggles to get down. When I release him, he runs over to join Xander and James on the floor with blocks and toys. Noah has Sophie in a high chair with some finger foods as she watches her brothers play.
Her brown eyes find me and she grins. I release my breath. The chaos is worth every minute.
Noah nods toward the sink. “Grab me a washcloth, please?”
I grab the washcloth and hand it to him. He wipes Sophie’s face and then her little hands. Yawning, she watches him and then me and then the boys. When she’s all cleaned up, Noah lifts her and puts her on the floor.