Page 181 of Tease Me
She stands for a minute before dropping to her butt and crawling over to her brothers. Walking is still new to her and she prefers to get there faster. It won’t be long until she’s running after the rest.
Noah rubs the back of his head. “When’s our reservation?”
“Can you watch them so I can change?” He smiles as Xander comes over, babbling about his block and showing Noah.
“Dada.” Xander puts his hand on Noah’s leg to steady himself. “Up.”
Noah stoops and picks up Xander who shows him the sides of the blocks with all the seriousness a toddler can have. Noah makes the appropriate noises and asks questions.
I feel a tug at my pants and look down to baby Sophie. She holds her arms up for me. She’s a quiet one, relying on her brothers to do the talking, or Olivia when her and Oliver slow down for a few minutes.
When I reach down and lift her into my arms, she snuggles against my chest.
“Dada needs to go change, Xander. Play with your brothers.” Noah sets Xander down to toddle over to the others and sit on the kitchen floor.
Noah touches Sophie’s soft hair before heading out to get ready. She doesn’t lift her head. She fights so hard against sleep every night. Tries to stay up to be with the others, but she never makes it.
Coop walks in, dressed and ready to go. “Bags are packed and in the car.”
James turns and runs over to Coop. “Pop Pop.”
Coop squats down and looks at the others to make sure they aren’t looking. “We had a deal, right?”
James nods, solemnly. “I made sure they stayed quiet while Sophie ate.”
Coop narrows his eyes at him and then produces a chocolate. James’s eyes light up and he shoves it into his mouth. He wraps his arms around Coop’s neck and then runs back to the others.
I wait for it, because no one can put any food in their mouth without everyone figuring it out. Xander and Liam stand and wobble over to Coop.
“What’s up, guys?” Coop smirks at the two of them.
“Pop Pop, can we have one?” Liam asks, holding out his hand. Xander mimics him, holding out his hand as they both put on their best please faces.
“What’s the magic word?” Coop asks.
“Please,” they say together.
He grins and fishes out two more chocolates, putting one in each of their hands. They grin and stuff them in their mouths before saying, “Thank you.”
He straightens and tugs his suit jacket into place. His smile softens when he looks at Sophie’s face. Her little fist is in her mouth as she sleeps against me.
“She’ll get drool on your shirt,” Coop warns. He originally wanted to be called Pops, but Oliver and Olivia kept saying Pop Pop until it stuck.
“Worth it.” I sigh and cradle her against my chest, loving her soft scent. “They’re going to be mad at you for giving the boys sugar.”
“I’m not going to tell them.” Coop laughs and the doorbell rings.
Before we can move that way, we hear the door open.
“Hey,” Blake says. His voice carries into the kitchen from the foyer.
“Who are these little angels?” Kayla says.
“It’s us, Auntie Kayla.” Olivia sounds exasperated.
“Olivia? Oliver? That can’t be right. Those kids are always covered in dirt.”