Page 24 of The King's Boy
Chapter Eight
~ Spencer ~
I didn't know quite what to think of King. He wasn't exactly giving me a choice about being here, but I felt as if he wouldn't fight me if I truly wanted to leave.
I was still thinking about it.
I did want to know why he was so insistent that I stay. We barely knew each other even if we had slept together once. We'd met exactly twice. Two meetings and some great—spectacular—sex did not explain King's level of interest in my life...or death.
"I told you what happened."
I wasn't sure what else he wanted me to tell him.
"Give me the name of the coffee shop you were in," King stated. "I'll have one of my men check to see if there was anything on camera. Maybe we can figure out who is trying to kill you."
"They shot out the window. I doubt a camera from the coffee shop caught them."
"It doesn't hurt to look."
No, I suppose it didn't.
"Could it have been your friend Darren?" King asked. "We haven't been able to locate him yet, so he's still out there somewhere."
"He doesn't have the guts to kill someone." I snorted as I slumped back in my chair. "And even if he did, he's too stupid to pull something like that off."
"What about his friend Harry?" King asked. "Is he smart enough to pull something like this off?"
I brushed my fingers along the edge of my nose as I considered King's question. I didn't know Harry beyond a couple of casual encounters at the bar. He always seemed like an overgrown buffoon to me, but I could be wrong.
"Honestly," I finally answered, "I don't know the man well enough to say one way or the other."
"Fair enough."
I stiffened and glanced at the door when someone knocked. I realized King had brought me to his home, but it wasn't until that moment that I remembered that his home was a mobster's mansion.
Should I be afraid?
"Come," King called out.
The door opened and the man I had seen with King before stepped into the room. The moment he spotted me, he stiffened. "What is he doing here?"
Fear faded and mischief appeared.
I put a smirk on my face and allowed the muscles in my body to relax. "Has it really been that long since you've seen a pretty face?" I mused. "You poor thing."
I heard a muffled chuckle from King's direction as Malloy's expression went from a confused frown to a deep glare. If his eyebrows pulled any deeper over his face, his eyes would disappear.
"Someone is trying to kill Spencer," King explained.
"Gee, I wonder why?" Malloy rolled his eyes as he stepped inside the room and shut the door. He walked over and took the seat next to me, continuing to glare at me.
"I can make a few phone calls, you know," I said sweetly. "I have a few friends that wouldn't mind giving you a good spin." I looked the man up and down before wincing "Well, one or two anyway."
Malloy's nostrils flared as he turned to look at King.
"Are you a top or a bottom?" I continued. "I feel like you're a bottom."