Page 34 of The King's Boy
"Right now, I am taking King's shirt off so I can assess the wound and hopefully stop the bleeding. With the amount of blood on his shirt, I don't think he hit an artery, but he could have hit something vital. I won't know until I look."
"He was shot in the arm."
That helped, but not much.
"Are you really a doctor?" Malloy asked.
"I really am."
Once I had King's shirt off, I could immediately see where he was bleeding from. The wound wasn't horrible. I'd seen worse, but I was really glad King was unconscious.
I lifted King's arm to see if there was an exit wound, and there was. While that meant stitching two different areas, it also meant I didn't have to hunt around for a bullet.
I grabbed a small bottle of anesthetic and a new needle and filled it before shooting the clear liquid into King's arm, both in the front of his arm and the back.
"What is that?" Malloy asked.
"It will numb up King's arm so I can sew the wound closed." I continued to work as I spoke, years of training kicking in. "I graduated from high school at thirteen and immediately went to the university. I had to attend classes for a year before they would allow me to enter medical school. Technically, I was twenty-one when I graduated since I graduated on my birthday." I glanced up to meet Malloy's wide shocked eyes. "My birthday is next month."
"Happy birthday."
I lifted and eyebrow as I glanced at the man for a moment and then went back to treating King's injury. Considering it was a bullet wound, it could have been a lot worse. Luckily, it was just a flesh wound.
By the time I was done, my eyes ached and my back felt as if it was about to collapse in on itself. All I wanted to do was go back to bed.
"A little bed rest and he should be as good as new in no time. Someone does need to check the wound periodically for infection and change the bandages at least twice a day. King also shouldn't get it wet for at least seventy-two hours."
"Can't you do that?" Malloy asked.
"I could, but I need to catch a train."
I knew that voice.
I breathed out a sigh before turning to look at the deep green eyes staring at me from the exam table. "King—"
"You fixed me up," King stated. "Aren't you responsible for me until I am all healed up?"
Chapter Eleven
~ King ~
I wasn't going to let Spencer leave even if I had to shoot myself in the arm again once I healed. "You are staying." I didn't think my words could be any clearer.
I smirked when Spencer rolled his eyes.
I loved that look on him.
"Please?" I couldn't actually remember the last time I had said please.
"Fine," Spencer replied. "I'll stay until you are healed, but someone needs to go get my stuff." Spencer grimaced as he plucked at the shirt he was wearing. "I refuse to wear this crap for another day."
I smiled as I looked him up and down. Well, as much of him as I could see since he was standing right next to the bed. "You look okay to me."
"Like you know fashion." Spencer's eyes rolled again as he crossed his arms over his chest. "The only thing in your closet is black and white. Would it hurt you to add a little color?"