Page 35 of The King's Boy
"I'll let you pick me out some color when I take you shopping."
I immediately knew I had Spencer's attention when he dropped his arms and leaned closer to me.
"I was planning on taking you shopping today before I got shot."
Spencer's eyes dropped to my arm. "How did you get shot?"
"Mob business, baby."
"How often am I going to hear that phrase?"
I chuckled with sheer delight at the pout on Spencer's face. "Probably a lot."
And there went the eye roll.
"I would like the room," I said without looking away from Spencer. I didn't want to take my eyes off of him.
"I need to make some phone calls anyway," Malloy said as he started out of the room, shutting the door behind him.
I grew serious once we were alone. "I don't want you involved in this life."
"Kind of hard to not get involved," Spencer said. "Especially if I am vacationing at Club Mob."
"Maybe, but I can try to keep you out of it as much as possible." It was almost impossible for someone to get out of the mob once they were in. As much as I didn't like it, Spencer was a free spirit. I knew at some point he would leave. He couldn't do that if he was in the mob.
"So, what? I'm just supposed to sit around and paint my fingernails while I wait for you to finish up your mob business?"
Yeah, pretty much.
"I'll get you some nail polish."
Spencer snorted. "I'll get the nail polish. You get to pay for it. I shudder to think what you would pick out for me."
I grinned. "Deal."
"Well, you're not going to be doing anything for the next few days. You need to give yourself time to heal. If you move around too much, you're going to undue all of my hard work."
I frowned as I glanced down at my arm. "You did this?"
"Oh god, not you, too."
My eyebrows shot up to my hairline. "Me too?"
"Your man Malloy interrogated me when I told him I could treat you."
"I got shot, Spencer. I'm sure he wanted to call a doctor."
"I am a doctor."
At this rate, my eyebrows were going to stay with my hairline. "You are a doctor?"
Spencer huffed. "I graduated high school at thirteen. I graduated from medical school on my twenty-first birthday, which was almost a year ago. Technically, I am a board-certified doctor. I'm just not practicing anywhere."
"Why not?" I wasn't shocked that Spencer was a doctor. Well, not too much anyway. He always seemed to have more going on for him than a pretty face.
Spencer shrugged. "Never found anywhere I wanted to practice. I had a lot of offers, but it felt as if they all wanted to ride my coattails by saying they had a genius doctor on staff instead of actually letting me practice medicine."