Page 53 of The King's Boy
The woman's red rouged lips parted as if she was shocked by my refusal to just give in to what she wanted. "You think you have a choice here?"
"Pretty much."
It wasn't like I was going to willingly go with someone who wanted me dead. I might have a few screws loose, but I wasn't stupid.
"See this?" She held up her gun. "It's called a gun. It means that you do what I say unless you want another hole to breathe out of."
"What happened to your knife?" I smirked as I looked her up and down. "Not go with your current outfit? I can give you a few fashion tips if you need them, and you look like you need them. Basic black is nice, but this"—I grimaced as I looked her up and down—"This just isn't a good look on you."
Her eyes narrowed.
I knew it probably wasn't a good idea to piss her off, but I wouldn't be the twinkiest twink to ever twink if I didn't ruffle someone's feathers.
She lowered her hand and pointed the gun at Boden. "Move or I put a bullet in his head."
That put a slightly different slant on things. I was willing to gamble with my life. I was not willing to gamble with someone else's. I did the only thing I could think of under the circumstances.
I turned and ran.
I made it three steps before I was grabbed and slammed down onto the floor. Considering the amount of hands holding me, I knew there was more than one person trying to get me.
She had brought friends.
I heard a grunt when I slammed my elbow back, and one set of hands holding me loosened just enough for me to get my knees under me. I tried to scramble away only to be slammed back down onto the floor.
My arms were roughly grabbed and yanked behind my back and then something was tied around them. A piece of clothed was pressed between my lips and then tied around my head.
When I was yanked to my feet, I kicked out. Even if I was smacked upside the back of my head, I still felt a sense of satisfaction when I heard a grunt, especially when I realized that one of the men holding me worked for King. I didn't remember his name, but he had been the idiot that I had throat punched in the hotel room.
King was going to be pissed when he learned about this.
I was dragged through the kitchen and then out a side door I had never seen before. There were a couple of times when we stopped for a moment. Every single time, I wiggled and screamed as loud as I could—granted, it wasn't much—but I refused to go silently.
My shout for freedom turned to one of terror when one of King's guards stepped out in front of us and the woman shot him. My eyes widened as I watched blood spread across his chest as he slowly collapsed to the ground.
She had shot him. She hadn't even hesitated. I didn't know if he was dead or alive, but with the amount of blood pooling under his body, I didn't think he was alive.
I started struggling for real. It wasn't like I hadn't been struggling before, but this time I put whole body into it this time. I cried out when someone punched me, making my face explode with pain. It was enough to make me dizzy.
It was also enough for them to drag me through the gate and out onto the street where a van was waiting. I was tossed into the back rather roughly, rolling a couple of times before I hit the sidewall.
The van was underway before I could get my bearings. It took a bit of maneuvering on my part to sit up. My hands were tied behind my back and the van was moving at a high rate of speed, taking corners like we were being chased by the police.
I wished we were.
There were no windows in the back of the van, so I had no idea where we were going. All I could do was sit there and glare at the two goons sitting across from me, the driver, and the woman in the front passenger seat.
I wanted to warn them that their life span was going to be incredibly shortened if they didn't let me go, but the gag in my mouth prevented that. I'd like to be a fly on the wall when they found out, or King found them. Either way they were going to pay for this.
And I had no doubt that King was coming for me. I didn't know why I had that trust in him. Just that I did. King was going to come for me, and he was going to obliterate the people that had taken me.
Being a mob queen had its perks.
I just had to stay alive to watch the carnage. Considering I had been kidnapped by an assassin, and she was being paid by someone else to capture me, my prospects of breathing for much longer were not that good.
I needed a plan.
I started looking around the van for anything I could use to free my hands or use as a weapon, or both. Both would be good.