Page 54 of The King's Boy
There wasn't much. There weren't even any seats in the back. Me and the two goons were sitting directly on the hard metal floor of the van.
Did I mention that it was cold metal?
My ass felt like I was sitting on an ice cube...and something pokey. I wiggled around until I could get my hands on whatever was poking me.
It was a screw sticking up through the metal base of the van.
I could work with that.
I still wasn't exactly sure what was tied around my wrists, but it felt like plastic, so maybe zip ties?
That would be my guess.
I started trying to scrape the edge of tie over the screw, over and over again. I felt as if I wasn't getting anywhere and then my hands were suddenly free.
I quickly glanced at the two men in the back with me to see if they had noticed anything. Luckily, they were both looking toward the front of the van. They probably thought I was harmless.
If they only knew.
I kept my arms behind my back and gripped the tie in my hands. I doubted I would be able to wrap it back around my wrists considering how tight it was, so hopefully they wouldn't notice.
Now, I just needed weapon.
I couldn't see anything else in the back of the van that I could use, but that didn't mean I wouldn't find anything wherever we were headed. I wouldn't stop fighting until I was cold and dead, and I wasn't there yet.
When the van started to slow and then came to a stop, my heartbeat picked up. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared out of my mind because I was. There were so many ways this could go wrong.
One of the goons slid the side door of the van open and climbed out. I locked my hands together behind my back when the other one grabbed me and started dragging me toward the door.
As soon as I was pushed through the door, I started swinging, catching them off guard enough that I was able to wrench away and start running. I had no idea where I was going because I had no idea where I was.
Anywhere away from here seemed good.
I could hear the shouting behind me and the sounds of someone in pursuit, but I kept going. I ran around corners and dodge parked cars, running just as fast as my feet would carry me.
The sounds of shoes slapping on the cement slowly faded. I glanced over my shoulder to find the two goons and the woman who wanted to kill me still chasing after me, but I was putting a lot of distance between us.
Just not enough.
Chapter Seventeen
~ Spencer ~
I was in luck. I spotted several scantily clad women loitering on the corner of the next block and knew exactly what I was going to do.
One of the things I had learned in my travels was that street walkers tended to protect the innocent. If they thought you were in trouble, they would help out.
I hoped that was the case with these women.
I ran toward the small crowd, grabbing the arm of the first one I reached. "Please, help me." I gave the women my most innocent look, widening my eyes dramatically as I pointed toward my kidnappers. "They kidnapped me and they are trying to sell me to some really bad people."
"Oh, honey."
"Sell you?"
"A sweet thing like you?"
"They hell they will!"