Page 64 of The Jefe's Boy
Hugo dropped down into a squat and scurried over behind the couch. "I have men out there going after the shooter. We will get them. In the meantime, I need to get you into the safe room."
I grimaced as I glanced up at the solid wood bookshelf. It was all the way across the room. That was quite a ways to go when someone was firing at us.
Still, it might be our only chance.
"Hugo, get the door open. Jake, Miles, when Hugo gets the door open, get through it." Now for Delancy. "Querido, when I say go, I need you to crawl as fast as you can for Hugo. Can you do that for me?"
Delancy nodded, but I could see how pale he was, how frightened.
I grabbed his jaw much like I had when we first met. "I know you are scared, Delancy, but you can do this. Just move quickly and keep your head down."
I waited until Hugo got the door open and Jake and Miles scrambled through it before patting Delancy's shoulder. "Go, Delancy."
There hadn't been any gunshots in a few minutes, but I wasn't taking any chances. The moment Delancy started crawling across the floor, I crawled after him. When we reached the hidden doorway in the bookcase, I pushed Delancy through and tumbled in behind him.
Hugo had the door closed before I even righted myself.
"Is everyone okay?" I asked as I sat up and reached for Delancy. He was panting, and still pale, but he seemed okay. "Querido?"
He let out a little laugh as he looked around the small room we were in. "You know, I thought it was weird when you were so excited about buying a mansion owned by a mobster, but now I get it."
"I had already planned on putting in a safe room. It was a bonus to find one already here." Granted, it had needed some serious upgrades, but the bones of the hidden room were there.
"I need my laptop," Delancy said.
"Now?" Miles asked.
"Yes, now," Delancy snapped. "My laptop is important."
I chuckled at the confusion on the faces of his two frat brothers. "Delancy's laptop is like the equivalent of Norris Teller's lab."
"Who is Norris Teller?” Delancy whispered in my ear.
"One of our old frat brothers," I replied. "He's a certifiable genius and he currently works for Jake."
"Hugo, can you use the back stairs and go up and get Delancy's laptop out of the bedroom?"
"I'm on it, Jefe."
It was fun watching Miles and Jake's jaws drop when Hugo hit hidden button on the wall and part of it swung open, revealing a staircase.
"So far we have found two hidden passages and this safe room," I explained to my friends. "We are hoping to find more as the restoration goes on." Luckily, the construction company doing the work on the place belonged to me.
"If this safe room is a hidden room, then why is the staircase hidden from the safe room?" Jake asked. "Wouldn't you want to know it is there?"
Hell if I knew, but I could guess. "I think it is a safety measure in case anyone either makes it to the staircase or to the safe room. We've decided to leave it that way."
"Shouldn't we be trying to get out of here?" Miles asked.
Yeah, probably.
"Let's wait for Hugo to get back with the laptop and then we can go. I want Delancy to stay here until we catch whoever was shooting at us."
"You," Delancy said. "He was shooting at you."