Page 65 of The Jefe's Boy
I glanced sharply at Delancy. "How do you know that?"
"I watched the light when it entered the room," he replied. "It moved right over Jake and Miles until it reached you."
"Who is trying to kill you, Alejandro?" Jake asked.
"You know who," Miles replied.
"Dante is in police custody and my grandfather couldn't get here that quickly," I pointed out.
"Oh, so you have someone else after your hairy ass?" Miles snipped.
"I'm just saying, it can't be either of them, and they are the only two people I know who want me dead."
Unless this had all been prearranged. Maybe Dante and the shooter had arrived at the same time? Maybe it was Marcus? He could be pissed that I had brought my grandfather's crimes to light. Truthfully, I had no idea how tight Marcus and my grandfather were.
"What about Martinez?" Delancy asked. "Is he still in the city?"
"Last I knew he was," I said. I hadn't heard that he got on an airplane and his moving trucks were sill parked in the parking lot. I still had men watching both. I would have heard if either had moved.
Delancy huffed as vexed. "I can check once I get my laptop."
I loved how confident he sounded.
The door to the hidden staircase opened again and Hugo stepped through, Delancy's laptop in hand, which he handed to him. "We caught the shooter, Jefe. It's Hernandez."
My jaw clenched as rage erupted in my chest and moved up through my throat making it nearly impossible to speak, but I still could. "Bring him to me."
I stood up and then pointed at Delancy. "You do not move from this room until I come for you. Is that understood?"
Delancy's pale green eyes were huge on his even paler face as he nodded.
"Jake, Miles, you might want to stay in here with Delancy. Things could get dicey, and I am not sure you want to be a part of that."
"Who is Hernandez?" Jake asked as he and Miles got up off the floor.
"He's one of my grandfather's hired guns, one of the better ones. He usually does my grandfather's secret dirty work."
"Yeah, I think Miles and I need to sit this one out."
I smirked. "I thought you might say that."
I didn't hold any grudge against my friends for not going with me. They might accept the fact that I was a mobster, but they didn't need to see some of the darker parts of that life.
I gestured to the man sitting at my feet, busily typing away on his laptop. "Keep an eye on him."
"Will do," Jake said.
I reached down and grabbed Delancy's jaw again, tilting his head up so I could kiss him. "Stay here."
Delancy gave me a small smile before nodding.
I wanted to take him with me because again, I would be better able to keep him safe if I had eyes on him. But I didn't want to take him with me because I never wanted him to see this side of my life, kind of like Jake and Miles.
I walked through the doorway Hugo had left open and then waited for him to come through before closing the secret hatch. "Where is he?" I asked as I started down the narrow passageway to another entrance.
"Our men are holding him in the garage."
Good place. It was nice and quiet in there and it had a drain in the middle of the cement floor.