Page 83 of The Jefe's Boy
"I wanted to get you settled first."
A knot of anger formed in my gut. "Is anyone looking after Alejandro?" Was he upstairs bleeding to death while we sat around chatting?
"I have a medic up there with him now," Hugo replied. "He will ensure El Jefe is being looked after until we can get a doctor here."
I wasn't sure that made me feel any better.
A tall glass of juice was placed in front of me. Hugo helped me off with my suit jacket and my shirt. Both were stained with blood that more than likely never come out. Plus, they each had holes in the arm.
"Toss those in the trash."
I slowly drank it as one of the guards cleaned my wound and then bandaged it. I was lucky that it was just a nick. If it had been a couple of inches to the left, I would probably be dead right about now.
"Pequeño Jefe?" Hugo held his cell phone out to me. "Mr. Borelli."
I took the phone and held it to my ear. "Mr. Borelli?"
"Please, call me Vinnie."
"Thank you," I replied. "I am afraid this is not a social call. I am in need of your help."
"How so?" Vinnie asked, his tone concerned.
"Alejandro's grandfather showed up this morning. He ended up shooting both me and Alejandro. Me in the arm, Alejandro in the chest. I need a doctor that won't report this. My understanding is that Angus King's husband is a doctor. I need to get in touch with him to see if he can come to the house and treat us."
"I will call King immediately. In the meantime, do you have enough men to secure the place?"
"Already done."
"And Alejandro's grandfather?" Vinnie asked.
I kind of thought so.
"I will call King right now and then get back to you."
I blew out a breath, tears sprouting in my eyes at my relief. "Thank you."
"How did you know King's husband was a doctor?"
Everyone around me could see the smirk on my face even if Vinnie couldn't. "I have my ways."
And my reasons, and they had nothing to do with Alejandro. I had researched everyone in charge of the five boroughs when I started my mission. Knowing who was in charge and who might be a problem was a must.
"I will call you back as soon as I speak to King," Vinnie said. "I will need permission for him to enter your territory. Is Alejandro in any shape to give it?"
"No, but I am in charge until he is."
"Very well."
"Tell King that he, his husband, and four guards may enter." That seemed reasonable enough. It also wouldn't raise suspicion with anyone that might be watching us.
"I'll let him know."