Page 84 of The Jefe's Boy
After I hung up with Vinnie and handed the phone back to Hugo, I glanced down at my wound. The guard was just finishing wrapping white gauze around it.
"Am I going to live?"
The guard's eyes snapped up to mine. "Si, Pequeño Jefe."
When did they start calling me that and why hadn't I heard it before now? I got it that Alejandro and I had been married for like a minute, but still, you would have thought I would have heard it at least once.
"If you will excuse me, I need to go speak with my grandfather." It was the last thing I wanted to do, but getting him out of here was the best thing for all of us.
"Sir, I brought you a clean shirt." Hugo held the dark material out to me. I was going to question why he hadn't brought me a white shirt to match my suit, but the question became instantly clear when my eyes fell on the bloody rags on the table.
I stood up and pulled the shirt on before heading for the stairs. Each step felt weighted by a thousand pounds, and it was all I could do to lift my foot. I just knew whatever I said, I would have to listen to my grandfather lecture me. That was assuming I got to say anything at all. The man did have a tendency to reprimand without hearing my reasons for why I did things.
I took a deep breath and then knocked on the door. As soon as it opened, I stepped inside. I had been surprised that my grandfather hadn't come running when the guns went off until I heard the television in the background. He had the volume up loud enough to muffle just about anything.
I walked over and turned the television off before turning to face my grandfather. I could see that he had things he wanted to say simply from the way he was pressing his lips together. I just wasn't interested in hearing them.
"It's time for you to head home."
I held up a hand to silence him. "I really don't want to hear it."
"Come home with me," my grandfather said. "I can help you get a divorce. We can find someone else for you to marry."
I narrowed my eyes even as I crossed my arms over my chest, suddenly feeling hot and cold at the same time. "You mean someone that is not a mobster?"
"How could you not know that Roberto Diaz was a mobster?" I asked.
"He never discussed it with me."
"Not even during the war?"
"No!" My grandfather closed his eyes for a moment and breathed deeply. When he opened them again, I saw resolve in his eyes. "Come home with me, Delancy."
"I am home."
It was that simple for me.
"I don't know if it was what you intended when you forced me to marry Alejandro, but I love him and I am not leaving him."
"He's a mobster, Delancy. He kills people for a living."
That part might actually be true. I didn't know. What I did know was that he kept me safe. He protected me and he cared for me and he wanted me happy. That was all I needed to know.
"While I know not everything he does is above board, Alejandro has never killed anyone in front of me. Instead, he has stood between me and danger."
"He caused you to get shot yesterday."
"No, that was all on his half-brother. Alejandro had nothing to do with it." I unbuttoned my shirt just enough to slide it off one shoulder and arm and then showed him the bandage covering my wound. "He had nothing to do with me getting shot just now." I pulled my shirt back up as I glared at my grandfather. "That is all on your friend. You remember him, don't you? The guy you made that stupid deal with?"
My grandfather's face paled rather quickly. "You've been shot?"