Page 85 of The Jefe's Boy
"Why aren't you at the hospital? You need to see a doctor."
"There is a doctor on the way."
I held my hand up to stop him. "Look, I don't have time for this. Alejandro is currently in our bedroom bleeding out from a gunshot wound he received when your old war buddy tried to kill Marcus. I need to make sure everything is secure here so when the doctor arrives, he can treat Alejandro before he dies."
I realized that tears were growing in my eyes, but there was nothing I could do about that. I hated the fact that I couldn't be at Alejandro's side right now. That is where I should be. Not here arguing with my grandfather.
I rubbed a hand over my forehead, pushing it back through my hair. "I need you to go home, Grandfather. There are people coming soon that you don't need to be around."
"This isn't the life I wanted for you, Delancy."
"No, I imagine not." I chuckled, but it was a sour sound. "But it is my life now."
"Are you sure? I can—"
"I'm sure." Never believed I would say something like that. "Like I said, I love Alejandro. The shooting aside, I love Alejandro and the life he is trying to build with me. He knows my secrets and he doesn't care."
"The computer stuff you do?"
I nodded. "He does believe I can continue to keep people from finding out my secret without creating scandals, and he's helping me do that, but the important part is that he knows and he doesn't care. He's even offered to help me."
"How can you do that without creating scandals?"
That's what he took from what I said?
"We're still going to get our pictures in the papers, but as the most romantic couple in history. We are also going to work on buying our way into heaven through philanthropy. It will give Alejandro a good reputation and keep me in the news, but in a good way."
"Why would he need a good reputation? He's a mobster."
"He refuses to deal in drugs, prostitution, or human trafficking. He won't cross those lines. He's also getting out of gambling because another mafia family is deep into it and he doesn't want to step on any toes. It creates animosity between the families."
"What does that leave him?"
I shrugged because I really didn't know and I wasn't sure I needed to know. "I know he wants to get into shipping, but he plans to start out small there. He doesn't know much about it."
"That could take years."
"It can, which is why he is starting up a security company." I snorted at my grandfather's shocked look. "He was a bodyguard for most of his life. He knows security. It makes sense for him to use that experience to create a company."
"Is it going to be a legitimate company?"
"For the most part," I replied. "He plans to prove trained security for both the general public and his mafia friends. He's also going to have a few other branches like retrofitting cars and homes to be safer, including a cyber department."
I wasn't sure now was the time to mention I would be in charge of that.
"Alejandro isn't a bad man," I told my grandfather. "Maybe instead of believing the worst about him, you should actually get to know him. He is my husband after all."
My grandfather didn't say anything. He just walked over to the window and pushed the curtain aside. I stood there and waited, knowing he was thinking. I wasn't sure exactly what he was thinking about, but if he tried to convince me to divorce Alejandro again I was kicking him out.
"I guess I owe you an apology, Delancy."
Say what?
He turned and faced me. "Your father has always been a disappointment to me. When I saw you going down the same path, or what I thought was the same path, I panicked. I wanted you safe and happy, but I never wanted this for you."
"I told you—"