Page 19 of Bound to His Oath
"Yes, sir." Franco took the papers and left with the receptionist girl.
I glanced down at Nico. "Is there anything you want to do before we head to the airport?"
"Can we get a wedding photo in front of Niagara Falls, something for us to remember today?"
"Excellent idea." I wrapped Nico's arm around mine and started walking toward the entrance.
There were two cars waiting for us right outside the main doors. I'd been expecting that. My men were very well trained. I'd made sure of it when I started working for my grandfather. I'd always suspected that was one of the reasons I'd been promoted so quickly.
I never left anything to chance.
Nico and I climbed into the first vehicle along with Stefano and a driver. The other guards climbed into the second vehicle. I told my driver to head to one of the scenic spots overlooking at the falls, someplace where we could take pictures.
With the afternoon traffic, it took about twenty minutes before we found a good spot. Once we parked, Nico and I got out—along with our guards—and made our way to the viewpoint.
I I told Stefano to take several pictures and then stepped back and drew Nico into my arms. We made several different poses for the pictures Stefano was taking until Nico felt we'd gotten enough for our wedding memories.
Piling back into the car seemed almost anticlimactic. We had been so tense while gearing up for the wedding, and even through the wedding, and now we were married, complete with wedding pictures.
There was still some tension and I doubted it would go away until I had Nico safely tucked away back in Italy. While we had this plan, things could always go wrong. I could only hope I had prepared for anything that could go wrong.
Franco was waiting for us in the hangar at the airport. As soon as I stepped out of the car, he held my charged cell phone out to me. "Mr. Borelli would like you to call him, sir."
"Did you get the papers?" I asked as I took the phone.
"Yes, sir." He pulled a large manila envelope and handed it over.
I pulled it out to check it over and then shoved it back into the envelope. I handed it back to Franco. "Put this somewhere safe."
"Yes, sir."
I reached a hand back for Nico, helping him out of the car. When we reached the plane stairs, I said, "Go on up and get buckled in. I need to call Vinnie."
I waited until Nico climbed the stairs and disappeared inside the plane before dialing Vinnie. "Hey, it's me."
"Did you get it done?" Vinnie asked.
"Yeah, Nico and I are finally married and the papers have been filed. It's all legal. We're just getting ready to board the plane now."
"I need you to fax me a copy of the marriage license and then get on that plane and get to Italy."
There was an urgency in Vinnie's voice that unnerved me. "What's going on, Vinnie?"
"Like I told you earlier, Nico's parents called the cops and reported him as kidnapped. Through a friend, I've spoken to a police detective he trusts and told him that Nico wasn't kidnapped, he eloped. I need that marriage license to back up my story."
"Well, it's not really a story." He had eloped with me. I'd just kidnapped him to kick start the process off. "Hold on a minute."
I snapped my fingers and gestured to Franco. "Go in the office and fax Borelli a copy of the marriage license and then get back here."
"Yes, sir," Franco said before turning and taking off for the hangar office.
"Okay, Vinnie, Franco is faxing the marriage license to you now."
"Good," Vinnie replied. "Now get Nico back to Italy."
I glanced toward the stairs. "He's already on the plane."
"Okay, good. Call me when you land so I know you got there okay."