Page 20 of Bound to His Oath
"I will." As soon as I hung up with Vinnie, I boarded the plane and went to sit down next to Nico.
"Everything okay?" Nico asked.
I smiled for him even if everything was not okay. I didn't want him to worry. "Everything is fine. Vinnie just wanted to confirm if we had gotten married."
"Any word on my parents?"
God, I didn't want to lie to him.
"They are still searching for you, but the running story right now is that you eloped with someone."
Nico blinked at me. "I did."
As soon as Franco and the others boarded the plane, I ordered the pilot to take off. I wanted to get off this continent.
Nico gripped my hand as the plane taxied out to the runway and took off. As soon as we leveled out and the seatbelt sign went off, I unbuckled myself and then gestured to Nico.
"Come with me. I want to show you something."
Nico frowned, but unbuckled himself and then followed me to the back of the cabin. I waited until he joined me before opening the door and ushering him into the bedroom at the back of the plane.
"We have a ten hour flight ahead of us depending on jet streams. I thought you'd be more comfortable back here."
Nico's jaw dropped when he saw the room. "Private jets have bedrooms in them?"
"Not all of them, but some do. Vinnie's has a bedroom because the flight is so long from New York to Italy. He makes that flight often to go visit his grandparents and sitting in a seat that long gives you a flat butt."
Nico stared at me for a moment before he snickered. "Well, we wouldn't want that."
"Right?" I slid my hand down over Nico's ass. "You're seems to be in pretty good shape so far, but I'm still worried it might go flat. When we get back to Italy, I'll need to exam it. Just to make sure, you understand?"
Nico glanced at the bed. "Not now?"
"No, baby, when we go to bed together, no one else will be around."
"Oh, right." Nico's shoulders slumped. "I forgot about them."
As much as I wanted him, there was no way in hell I was going to let a plane full of men hear the sounds I planned to pull out of Nico when I made love to him for the very first time. Those sweet sounds were meant only for me.
This was going to be a long ten hour flight.
"Are you hungry?" I asked.
Nico shrugged. "I guess I could eat."
"Why don't you get comfortable and I'll go get us some food? We can have a little picnic on the bed."
"Yeah." Nico began to smile. "That sounds fun."
I pressed a quick kiss to Nico's lips and then turned to go get us some food. I was just hoping that the stewardess had something good for us to eat.
I was lucky to find the stewardess already preparing a tray of food for us, most of it finger foods, which was perfect. There was a bucket of ice and a bottle of champagne to go with it.
When she turned to hand it all to me, she smiled. "A gift from Mr. Borelli on your nuptials."
I returned her smile and said, "Thank you."
I saw several of my guards' eyes widened when I turned and carried the tray and I knew it had to be because of the smile on my face. I knew it was ruining my thug persona. I just couldn't help it. I was happy for the first time in ten years, longer than most of them have been with me.