Page 7 of Bound to His Oath
I couldn't tear my eyes away from Nico. He had changed so much in the last ten years, and yet, I could still see the boy I had fallen in love with in his face.
"Luca!" Gena whispered harshly. "You need to go."
"Are you going to be okay?" I asked her. If it wasn't for Gena, this plan never would have worked. I owed her everything.
Gena smiled. "I'll be fine. I'm just going to lock myself in the bathroom until this is over."
I glanced at the man my guys had taken out. "What about him?"
Gena stared at him for a moment before slipping her eyes heeled shoe off. She walked over and hit him on the head with it a couple of times. When a small trail of blood started to trickle from the cut on his head, she slid her finger through it and then wiped it on the corner of the wall.
"There, taken care of." Gena smiled up at me after putting her shoe back on. "Now, go. I'll see you at home after this has all blown over."
"Tell your dad and Vinnie thank you for me."
It had been a complicated plan that had taken the work of all of us, and it still wasn't over. I still had to get Nico out of here without anyone seeing us.
"Just stick to the plan, Luca."
I nodded as I swung Nico up into my arms. Without another word, I turned and started back the way I came. Only, this time, I bypassed the pantry and walked toward the backdoor.
One of my men was there to open the door for me. I hurried out the door and then took the path that led to the back of the property. The back gate was also held open for me as was the door to the SUV waiting in the alley behind the house.
I gently set Nico on the seat and then climbed in beside him. I secured him with the seatbelt and then did my own before wrapping my arms around him and pulling him to my side.
"Get us to the airport."
The lights in the house weren't supposed to go back on for another thirty minutes. I figured we didn't have long after that for people to discover that Nico was missing. I needed to have him in the air before that happened. Once in the air, I was taking him out of the country.
He was never coming back. Neither of us were.
Nico's head was resting against my chest. I reached down and lifted it so I could see his face. His beautiful face. I couldn't wait until he opened his eyes and I could really see him. I wanted to see his smile.
Unfortunately, the spray Vinnie had supplied me with would keep him knocked out for the next few hours. Just long enough to get him on the plane and in the air.
Even with Nico in my arms after all of these years, I was unsettled, my stomach in one large knot. I doubted I would feel better until we were firmly back on my home soil.
It would be a couple of days before that happened. We had one crucial stop to make before we flew home.
When we rolled up to the gate of the executive hangar, I waited for the guard to let us in. Once through the gate, he drove us right inside the hangar and up to the private jet that Vinnie had loaned to me.
I unbuckled both me and Nico, lifted him in my arms, and then carried him out of the SUV and directly up the stairs of the plane. I hated having to buckle him in again, but he had to be while we took off.
I turned to the man that had climbed onto the plane behind me."Please thank Vinnie for me. I'll return his plane as soon as I am done with it."
Marco smiled at me. "Vinnie said you can use it as long as you need to."
"Just need to get Nico home."
That was my fondest wish.
"We'll carry out the plan on our end," Marco assured me. "You should be hearing from Vinnie by the end of the week."
"If anything changes or he has any problems, have him give me a call."
Marco nodded before disembarking the plane.