Page 8 of Bound to His Oath
When the rest of my men boarded, I had one of them close the door and then ordered the pilot to take off. I took my seat next to Nico and seat belted myself in.
The flight time from the airport in New York City to the one in Niagara Falls, Canada was just over an hour. We were headed there because if someone wanted to get married on the spur of the moment, and couldn't get to Las Vegas, that was the place to do it. Ontario allowed gay marriage and there was no waiting period.
I planned to have us wedded and bedded before we reached Italy. No one was ever going to take him away from me again.
I blew out a breath of relief when the wheels lifted and we took off, leaving the ground. We still weren't out of the woods yet, but we were one step closer.
I unbuckled myself and stood, going forward to where the stewardess was stationed. "Can I use the satellite phone?"
I wanted to check in with Vinnie and make sure that his end of the plan was still in motion. I was also kind of curious what had happened after the lights went back on and if Gena was okay. My sister would kill me if anything happened to her best friend.
The stewardess smiled at me when she handed me the phone. "Is there anything else I can do for you?"
I knew flirting when I heard it.
"No, thank you. I'll wait until my fiancé wakes up."
The smile instantly fell from her face. "Fiancé?"
I pointed back to our seats. "That pretty man back there."
She let out a little laugh. "Can't blame a girl for trying."
At least she took my rejection well.
"How about some coffee instead?"
"I'm good, thanks," I replied. I dialed Vinnie's number as I walked back into the main cabin and then held it to my ear. "Hey, it's me. How are things going?"
"Are you in the air?"
"I am," I replied.
"Good," Vinnie said. "Get him home as fast as you can. Currently, his parents are still freaking out that he's disappeared. They think he's run off. We're pushing that idea at the moment, especially Gena, who should get an award for her acting skills. She's in tears, crying all over Mrs. Rossi as if her heart was really broken."
"Have they called the police?" That was one of my biggest worries.
"They're too embarrassed. Like I said, everyone assumes Nico got cold feet and ran off."
I hoped it stayed that way.
"We should be landing in about forty-five minutes. Call me if anything changes."
"Has he woken up yet?"
I glanced at Nico. "No, not yet." I was equally frightened and elated at the prospect of Nico waking up. I had no idea what his reaction would be to me kidnapping him.
Again, I didn't know if Nico even remembered me.
I had never forgotten him. His memory was the only thing I had to keep me alive during those four years in prison and the following years where I became the man I am today.
"Oh, got to go," Vinnie said. "Mr. Rossi is headed in my direction."
"Yeah, okay." I hung up and then carried the phone back to the stewardess. "Thank you," I told her as I handed it back.
"If you or your fiancé need anything, just let me know."
"We will."