Page 50 of The Book of Wrath
“I’ll see you at home,” I whisper as he kisses my forehead and closes the door. I rest my head back on the headrest and close my eyes. I’m over these life and death situations.
Chapter 41
Heading back into the warehouse knowing that she was safely heading home made things easier for me. Roark and Tony were already putting tarps down on the ground around the bodies. Andy was plotting out a deposit course for the body parts. Monty and his weak ass stomach was still puking in a bucket in the corner. Poor dude wasn’t expecting that.
“Is she good?” Roark asked me as he notice me walking toward them all. Mitch and Brian were still here to help with the cleanup, however Captain Woods had to leave to go talk to Rick about something she had found out while looking through some medical information.
“The guilts already eating at her. She asked me if it will ever go away,” I said as I put on gloves and a rain jacket. We took care of each other’s messes when one of us went too far during an interrogation of these people. We all were looking out for her. Everyone of them heard what happened to her, Roark was the only one close enough to offer assistance. If I moved, I would’ve taken Ryan’s death from her. She deserved to take her revenge on both of them. I just didn’t know how bad it was for her.
“What did you tell her?” Tony asked as he suited up. Roark and Monty were suiting up behind him.
“I told her the truth, the day she stops feeling guilty is the day she is no longer her. She’s too innocent, they robbed her of peace of mind. They deserved to be killed, but I couldn’t let her have two deaths on her hands,” I said as I looked at the bodies still slumped in the chair. Megan did a fucking number on Ryan. Hell, she was going a good number on Derek. “Doing the usual?”
“Yeah. We might have to mop up the blood because I don’t think there’s enough left in them to bleed them out,” Mitch said as he pulled his gloves up and grab a needle and some blood bags. We needed the blood if we were going to dump the remains in the ocean. Gotta make sure they get eaten up.
“I want the heads. I’m tired of just disposing of these fuckers. These two are the first of the higher up families we’ve taken out. I say we send a message,” I say, a grin forming on my lips. Roark looked at me and laughed.
“Oh, fuck yeah,” Roark was a sick fuck, always down for the dark and depraved shit that we could come up with. I’m glad he’s on our side. I chuckle to myself.
“My only concern is that we didn’t know about Derek. There is nothing about him anywhere in the Paxley history. No birth certificate, no social security number, nothing. How the fuck did he fly under the radar?” Andy said, I should’ve known he would do some digging.
“Depending on the connections the Paxley’s have, they could’ve paid someone to make him disappear. Other families have been known to do this so that way they have an off the grid muscle man,” Tony replied. I had only heard rumors of that actually being the case, but Derek is what has me believing that maybe the rumor is true.
“Either way, now we know that it’s possible that there are secret members we might not know about. It’s something to keep in mind when moving forward,” I said, Mitch and Brian had finished getting as much blood from the bodies as they could get and moved away.
“Your turn,” Mitch said as they walked away to the ambulance. I grabbed a chainsaw and a pair of googles. Everyone followed my lead, putting their googles on and grabbing something to help with the dismemberment. Roark did the honor of separating Ryan’s head from his body. The sound was horrific, but it had to be done. I was wanted the Paxley’s to know that they were being watched. Michael Paxley was a brave man who thinks he can’t be touched. He is about to realize how wrong he is.
Tony and I made quick work of dismembering what remained of Ryan’s body. Cutting at each joint and tossing it onto a large black tarp. Each piece got easier and easier to cut up. This man was a monster, one who deserved to be killed. He took women off the streets and helped auction them off to the highest bidders. He and his family profited off of fear, tears and lies.
Roark and Monty had finished up with Derek’s body right as we finished up with Ryan. I honestly don’t know how Monty does this with his weak ass stomach, he was already hurling over the trash can again as we wrapped up the tarps around the pieces of flesh and bone.
Pete walked up to us looking around the room. “Are we keeping this place standing or finding a new one?” Normally we would destroy the places we turn into a crime scene, but this place we secluded. Unless someone actually found us here, I don’t want to lose this place.
“Keeping it. We just need to make sure we have a decent amount of cameras and security. This place is probably the most secluded place we have ever found. I want to keep it that way for as long as possible.” I announce, helping Roark load up the bodies into the back of the ambulance.
“Okay, then I’ll get on cleaning up. Are we bringing Tyler in to help us?” Pete asked and I paused. Rick said we needed to keep Tyler Wilson. The kid was too eager to jump into the darkness with us. I didn’t trust him, no one did. Pete is only asking because he knows we have to bring him in eventually.
“Yeah. Have him help with the crime scene clean up. No details though. Andy,” I called out as he was plotting out the rest of the evenings festivities. He looked up at me and rolled his eyes, “Sorry to ask, but can you make a report? Illegal black-market organ harvesting site. Not like that wasn’t what this place was before we took hold of it. There should be a record of the original report.”
“Already ahead of you once I heard Wilson’s name brought up. Monty and Pete are the arresting officers. Tony, Roark and you weren’t here. Before you ask,” Andy tacked on as Pete opened his mouth. “The suspect swallowed a cyanide capsule that you both were unaware of. John Doe. No ID or identifying markers. There are six currently unclaimed John Doe’s in the system. At least two are homeless and most likely have no family. I’ll message Katie and let her know if Wilson comes poking around to let us know.”
Andy was well aware of everyone’s thoughts about Tyler. Roark and I personally think he is a mark sent in from one of the higher up families to see what the police have on the trafficking rings. Jokes on them, we keep that shit private and off the main books.
“So, are we thinking brown box or something fancy?” Roark asked interrupting the tension in the air. “I’m thinking more fancy for the fancy pants Paxley’s.” He said as he held up a large black box.
I smiled and looked at the other box of crafting shit he had behind him. “Do I even want to know how the hell you got all that here without any of us seeing it?” I ask him, walking over and looking into the box. A spool of gold ribbon caught my eye along with dark blood red tissue paper. What a perfect send off.
“What? I like to fuck around with shit. It get’s boring here and I like to test out new torture methods. People see fucking ribbons and sequins and don’t think that it could be used to kill them,” Roark replied, shrugging his shoulders. Everyone else just looked at him.
“You are a sick fuck dude,” Tony said, looking into the box as well. He saw what I grabbed. “I’m starting to think he’s rubbing off on all of us.” Tony reached in and pulled out a black envelope and some weird ass red paper.
“Whose got the nicest handwriting?” I yelled out to the room. Everyone looked at Roark. His reports were always the easiest to read honestly. The rest of us had chicken scratch.
“Just tell me what you want it to fucking say,” Roark snapped, putting gloves on. He bitched and moaned, snatching the paper from Tony’s hand and grabbing a pen. He threw it down on a small table and I filled him in on what exactly to write.
“Hand delivering or mailing?” Pete asked. I noticed Andy smile widely, looking at his computer.