Page 51 of The Book of Wrath
“Something funny?” Tony asked, finally looking over at Andy. The grin didn’t leave Pete’s face.
“How about we send Wilson to drop the package off? Act like a delivery boy. We tell him it’s something to do with security for them for the upcoming rally in Wilmington in three weeks. I can hack into their security systems so we can get their priceless reactions to our gift,” Andy laid out the perfect plan. “Fuck the Paxley’s.”
“Fuck the Paxley’s!” We all replied in unison. Tonight starts our assault on the elite of our country. Tonight, we initiate project take down. Fuck the Paxley’s.
Chapter 42
Rebecca Paxley
The house was so noisy this morning that I couldn’t stay asleep. The clock on the nightstand showed that it was only eight thirty. I flung myself out of bed and stalked over to the door, grabbing my black silk robe from the chair next to the door.
“Why are there so many people moving about this early in the morning? It’s too loud and I need my beauty rest!” I shout out of my room. Bridget, my assistant, was bustling about in the hallway looking frazzled like something was wrong. He fiery red hair was messy and not at all like the normal put together slicked back ponytail she usually kept it in.
“I’m sorry ma’am. Someone got past security this morning and dropped off a black box on the front porch. We have been trying to reach Derek all morning to get him and his guys to come check out the box for us, but he’s not answering,” Bridget was winded, out of breath and I could tell stressed. She was always stressed, but this was more than usual.
I opened my door completely and walked to where my phone was charging. Bridget followed me into the room, closing the door behind us so no one would peek in and see me in this state. I opened my call log and tapped on Derek’s name. The phone went directly to voicemail. I hung up and faced Bridget. “Did his phone go to voicemail for everyone else?”
“Yes ma’am. He said he had a lead on where Ryan was and that he was taking care of it. He hasn’t checked in with anyone. Then this box showed up this morning and we can’t even get ahold of Tommy or Heath. Mr. Paxley is beginning to worry,” Bridget stammered out while fussing around in my closet to get my outfit out for the day. Normally, she would have my coffee and outfit already out and ready, but I guess today I can’t fault her for it.
“What has my husband said about the box?” I ask, seemingly bored with the conversation. I hope my boys are okay. My dear sweet boys have gone through enough and they both deserve to be home with me.
“He is waiting for you before opening the box. It was addressed to the two of you,” Bridget laid out a pair of black leggings and a long, elegant button up white shirt dress. She paused and looked over at me, “Alan is trying to pressure him into opening it without you though.”
“Of course he is, he thinks he runs the show now that both of his brothers are missing. He doesn’t have the balls his brothers have, and I guess I need to remind him who wears the pants in this household,” I say, slipping my hair out of the soft rollers I slept in, and placing my jewelry on. Bridget turned her back to me, giving me the privacy to change, but keeping me within arms reach in case something was to happen.
“Should I alert Mr. Paxley that you will be arriving to his office shortly?” Bridget asked, pulling her phone out and tapping away on it.
“Yes, make sure my coffee and eggs are in the office. I assume I’m going to be kept in there until they can figure out who got on the property without being seen,” I sighed, I didn’t want to be trapped inside today. We have the event at that shitty library soon and I need to check on the preparations and make sure that everything will go perfectly.
One thing Ryan did right was get with the Megan girl. She was dedicated to her job and made sure that my husbands events went off without a single issue each and every time. He just had to go and fuck up shit with the main organizer of all of our events. Now we are going to have to start paying someone else to do what she was doing for free. Idiot,
“Alan checked in with Ms. Monroe the other day to make sure everything at the library was set up for the event. He has his report for you, I can have him meet you in there as well to fill you in,” Bridget was still typing away on her phone setting up meetings and scheduling family time.
I took a deep breath, slid my flats on and headed out the room. Bridget grabbed my phone and my laptop. I’ll just have to do event planning from Michael’s office.
With so much security in this place, I can’t get anywhere without being utterly annoyed. Bridget has already told off several of the security staff for daring to look in my direction. The head of our security Arden Mitchell just laughed at her and winked at me. I guess no one has picked up on our little meetings. That’s probably a good thing, if Michael found out he wouldn’t be fired, he’d be dead.
Not like Michael had any room to be jealous or say anything. He was fucking at least three of his assistants. I hope one of them kills him once they finally realize what kind of man he is. Once his toys finally figure out the real Michael, they land themselves on the auction block, sold off to the highest bidder.
It shouldn’t have taken so long to get to Michael’s office, but we finally arrived. His horde of whores parading about in short skirts and lowly unbuttoned shirts. I really should do something about them seeing as I am his wife, but Arden has a bigger dick and knows how to use it.
“Ladies, leave us,” Michael declared as I walked in the room. He tried to keep his affairs from being in my face. But the brunette, Hilary, always had to touch him longingly before she left, but today my patience is running thin. Michael always said I could do as I saw fit if they did it in front of me. So, I decided today was the day to remind these whores whose the one wearing the ring. I walked up to Hilary and grabbed her wrist, twisting it hard until I felt a crack. She wailed out in pain, and I slapped her across the face to shut her up.
Michael watched on, looking like he was about to pop a boner at my behavior. I grabbed a crystal paper weight off the desk and laid her hand out. I held the crystal weight high above her hand before slamming it down on her hand several times. Her screams echoed in the room, the other two sluts freezing in their place watching as Hilary squirmed and screamed trying to free herself.
“If you touch him like that again in my presence, I will use the envelope cutter and slit your throat,” I whispered into her ear. Tears streamed down her face as I reached for the cutter. The other two huddled together behind Bridget, who just stepped to the side. She couldn’t stand them. I held the envelope cutter to Hilary’s throat, “Do you understand?”
“Yes,” she stammered out and I let her go. Stupid bitch had the audacity to look at Michael for help. He just smiled at me, stood up and gave me a kiss. Another reminder that while he has his affairs, I am his wife. He will not leave me for one of them. I set the envelope cutter down on the desk.
“You’re dismissed,” he said as he waved them out of the room. Hilary ran to the other girls whimpering about her hand and muttering that I’m a bitch. I laughed; Bridget already had Arden on the phone. Hilary was as good as dead now.
“You’re going to be down a slut,” I whispered as I looked over at the large box on the table. “Have we figured out who delivered the box?”
Michael snapped his fingers and Alan appeared in the doorway, a proud smile on his face to be serving his father. What an ass kisser. I don’t know how I got two brave boys and this mutt for a son. Michael walked me over to the box and handed me a black envelope, sealed with a red wax seal. “Have you looked into this crest?” I asked running my fingers over the red wax. The crest was a shield with what looked like a raven or crow atop it with wings spread wide, two knives or swords crossed below the shield. It looked like a pirate seal, silly and childish.
“There isn’t one that I’ve found that looks like it. A family from Boston got a letter with the same seal on it a year ago, but like this one there were no finger prints and no D.N.A. Whoever sent it is a pro,” Alan confessed, sounding like he was impressed by some fools prank.
“What did their letter say?” Michael asked him, looking over the black box, the gold ribbon draped across it with a large golden bow attached on top to look like a present.