Page 55 of The Book of Wrath
Rebecca clearly had too much to fucking drink tonight, she would never be seen like this sober in public. She was swinging her glass around, sloshing white wine everywhere as she started yelling at me over a fucking plate of cake that was left half eaten on a table near theirs, like it was my fault.
“You are a worthless host! That mess should have been cleaned up as soon as it was set down on that table,” she yelled, tossing her arm out toward the table where the plate was moments ago. Someone must’ve either cleaned it up or grabbed the plate to finish it. Doesn’t matter to this bitch though.
“Rebecca, the plate is gone. I’m in the process of cleaning everything else up. One plate of half-eaten cake isn’t that big of a deal. Whoever set it there either reclaimed it or it got picked up by one of the staff members,” I said, annoyance flaring in my tone.
“I am Mrs. Paxley to you!” She screamed, raising her hand like she was about to backhand me like a child.
“No, you are Rebecca. You have always been Rebecca, and now that Ryan and I are no longer together, I do not have to cower to you or be on my best behavior anymore,” I said, not backing down. If she was going to hit me, the whole damn room was going to watch her.
She didn’t back down or even look around the room. She drew her hand down as if to strike me, but her hand never connected. The whole room went silent at the reaction. Michael and Alan both staring at Rebecca in disgust. Good.
“If I was you, I would go to the bathroom and check your shit before someone wrecks your ass,” a female voice rang out, stern and with complete command. I knew that voice immediately and my heart broke.
“If you think—,” Rebecca began, but was shut down again but the beautiful blonde with a look of promising death on her face.
“I think a lot of things about you and the trash that is your family. Hiding a son from the world so they think you only have two children. Covering up a murder committed by your other son. Should I talk about your other two children?” She just kept digging, but what did she mean by other two children? Alan was the only other child.
“You bitch!” Rebecca went to haul off on the woman, but her hand was caught. She turned seething at who grabbed her, but Michael stood there glaring at her.
“Get ahold of yourself. This woman means nothing to us,” Michael said dismissively. He looked over at Bridget who was standing behind the Paxley’s table, she nodded her head and walked over to Michael. “Get her home safely.”
“Yes sir,” Bridget said, moving to take Rebecca’s arm, but she snatched her arm away and slapped Michael across the face.
“This one of your whores?!” She screamed at him, and for all the world I was actually pitying the woman. The Paxley men were dangerous, Michael was no exception.
“I don’t know who she is, but we will talk when I get home,” Michael said, turning from Rebecca to me. “I’m sorry Megan. The plate of cake belonged to the senator that was speaking to me. If he knew that would’ve caused an issue, he never would’ve left it there.”
I nodded, keeping my mouth tightly shut. Michael looked to the other woman and paused, “I apologize to you for whatever my wife might’ve done to upset you. But I can assure you, you have my family wrong.”
“Oh, no Mr. Paxley, it is you who has it wrong. My name is Gwyn Moore, sister of Matthew Moore. Matty and Megan were engaged until your son Ryan took his life. No need in denying it. The police are looking for him now. They finally found the evidence that they needed,” Gwyn smiled brightly at Michael, who was enraged at her blatant accusation.
“They won’t find him!” Rebecca shouted at her. Gwyn cocked her head to the side inspecting her. Assuming she was just going to hide Ryan away in some non-extradition country. Boy was she wrong about that thought.
“Planning on aiding him in running from the law again?” Gwyn was toeing the line between accusation and speculation, but she was good at that. It always got her the answers she needed and lead people to confessing to her. She was a great lawyer, Matty would be proud of her.
“He’s fucking dead!” She sobbed into Bridget, “They’re both dead! My sweet baby boys were murdered!” The whole room went eerily quiet, everyone looking at the Paxley trainwreck. Well, I wasn’t expecting that to be brought up here.
Roark stepped forward with Lexi, glaring at Alan, “You said he was home sick.” Roark knew what he was doing. The Paxley’s were covering up the murders by saying that Ryan was home with the flu and couldn’t be here. Why not come up with the lie that he was missing? Rebecca came storming in here days ago accusing me of being it all.
“Mother what are you talking about!?” Alan yelled at his mother, well fuck. This is definitely a turn of events I wasn’t expecting. He looked at Michael and for what it’s worth, he was a good actor. “Did you know about this?!”
“No, Rebecca, why would you say something like that. What are you talking about?” Michael said the betrayal along Rebecca’s face was blatantly obvious. “You said Ryan was at your brother and he called to say he was sick. That’s why he wasn’t here.”
Bridget grabbed Rebecca; rage filled her eyes as she stared down Michael. Bridget was by no means big or intimidating, but I think he just fucked up by attacking Rebecca so publicly. “I’m going to get her home. Clearly she has had way too much to drink.” With that she stormed off barely keeping Rebecca upright the whole time.
I turned to look around the room at the guests still gathered and as much as I want the Paxley’s to implode, the party was now over, and people needed to get the fuck out. “I think that’s enough drinking for this evening. Thank you all for coming to celebrate Mr. Paxley’s campaign. We welcome you to grab a gift bag at the front door on your way out,” I announce to the room.
Michael looked at me and nodded, mouthing the words thank you as he walked over to grab his and Rebecca’s things from the main table. Alan stared at Lexi as she clung onto Roark the entire time. He was a good sport for helping me with her tonight. My mother would kill me if something happened to her.
“Thank you, I know my son has not been the best to you. I hope that his deplorable behavior hasn’t left a rotting taste in your mouth about our family. And that Rebecca’s uncalled for actions didn’t sour the relationship between us and the library,” Michael said, ever the politician.
“I appreciate your concern. I figured it was best to end the party just in case she was unwell, and Bridget needed help. I do hope that whatever is going on with Ryan that he is okay. I may dislike him, but I would never wish death upon him,” I said with the sweetest smile. Ally stormed up to us, pausing dead in her tracks when she noticed Gwyn standing behind me.
Michael excused himself and followed the rest of the guests out. Tonight ended on such a shit show but thank the gods it’s over!
Chapter 46