Page 56 of The Book of Wrath
I don’t know who the hell that blonde-haired woman is and why she was protecting Megan, but I am grateful that she was able to get to here when I couldn’t. None of the guys were anywhere near her. I just can’t believe Rebecca Paxley just lost her shit and broke the big secret they were clearly trying to keep. Andy slid up next to me as I walked around the library checking the doors.
“Did they really just act like she was drunk and crazy?” he asked me, checking the door ahead of me.
“Seems like it. Looks like they were going to act as if nothing was wrong. Now, they’re going to have to try to produce Ryan soon so that way Rebecca doesn’t look drunk or crazy,” I replied, walking past him heading back to the main part of the library. Megan was surrounded by Ally and the mystery woman, but neither of the girls looked scared or worried. I wish I was closer to hear who she was.
Tony came stalking up to me looking furious, “Why didn’t any of us shoot the bitch when she cocked her hand back?” He was seething, ready for blood.
“Because we were surrounded by people, and we have a badge to uphold. Regardless the capacity of the job,” I snapped. I don’t blame him for wanting to kill the bitch. Hell, I would’ve put a bullet through her head myself, but that would be a headache and a half for Rick.
“Whose the chick?” Andy asked, watching her laugh with the Ally and Megan. I was kind of jealous of how easily she fell into sorts with them. I shrugged because clearly I wasn’t close enough to hear who she was.
“Her names Gwyn Moore,” Roark said as he walked up to us, Lexi had joined the girls, and they were giggling about something. “She’s Matt’s sister.”
My stomach dropped like a lead ball just dropped into it. I knew Rick said he was informing the family of what we found out. I just didn’t think any of them would come around Megan, but I should’ve known how close they all were.
“Are you okay?” Andy asked me. I didn’t realize I stopped moving. I should be okay. I don’t know why this is hurting me like I am going to lose her. It’s not like Matt can walk back in through those doors and take her from me. As bad as that is to say. But what if she’s not over him. What if what we have is just a temporary thing? What if I am just the rebound after a shitty relationship?
Tony smacked my chest, “Stop it. You’re fucking over thinking again.” At least one of them knows how my brain works. I was spiraling into a fucking panic attack. This fucking sucks.
“She is over the moon about you, we all can see it. She kept eyes on you all night long. As much as she wanted to grab you and run away, she didn’t. She stayed here and pushed through it. I don’t think if you were here she would’ve had the strength to look these people in the eye,” Roark said, reassuring me that I have nothing to worry about.
Megan looked back at me, smiling and waving me over to where they were standing. I took a deep breath, walking over to her. “Gwyn, I want you to meet my boyfriend, Officer Max Carter,” she was showing me off. Pride filled my heart, melting away the worry that was there just moments ago.
“Officer huh? I will take him over the son of a corrupt politician,” Gwyn said sizing me up. I stood there with a smile on my face and put my arm around Megan. Gwyn looked at Megan with a loving smile. Something tells me these two were close.
“I’m sorry about your brother,” I said, instantly regretting the words as the slipped out of my mouth. Gwyn looked at me seeming startled by my comment. I really hope I didn’t just utterly offend her.
“You’re the officer who figured out who murdered my brother aren’t you?” She asked watching me intently.
“Me and my guys. I’m glad we were able to figure it out,” I said. Gwyn stepped forward and looked at Megan who just nodded. Next thing I know, Gwyn is hugging me tight.
“Thank you. My family finally has closure thanks to you guys. Do you really think he did it to get to Megan?” She asked, I watched Megan’s eyes as the looked far away from here. We should’ve known this comment was going to come eventually, but I was hoping she would have more time.
“Yes. You’re brother stood in the way of what he wanted. Afterwards, he made sure he was the one there to comfort Megan and make her feel like she was safe. He used her grief to his advantage. None of what he did was fair, and I hope we can find him,” I said, knowing damn right well exactly where his body is. But I can’t tell her that.
“They won’t find him. The Paxley’s have homes in countries that don’t play nicely with ours when it comes to extraditing people from them. If he is smart, he will run to one of those houses and live out the rest of his meaningless life there. If I see him, he’s dead,” she swore vengefully. Megan was still staring off into space and I couldn’t blame her for tuning the conversation out. I’m going to have to distract her later.
“You’re probably right, but either way we will do our best,” I replied. “I’m sorry to do this, but it’s getting late, and Megan has been up since before the ass crack of dawn setting up for this damn thing. She really needs to get some sleep.”
“I didn’t even realize how late it was. Megan,” Gwyn said, tapping Megan on her shoulder. “Oh, honey. You need to stop putting other people first and get the rest you need. I’m sure Ally can help you take care of these things if you just let go of the control for a little bit.”
“Gwyn, you know that Megan would have an anxiety attack if she let me or anyone else run these events. They’re her babies and will always be her babies,” Ally said, resting a hand on Megan’s back. “But seriously, go home and get some rest. The staff is already mostly done cleaning up for the night and you could really use the rest.”
Megan blinked a few times before looking over at me. “Yeah, I’m just tired. The last few days have been stressful and hectic. I really just need to get a good nights rest,” she said leaning into my chest.
“It was nice meeting you, Gwyn,” I said, holding out my hand to shake her hand. She took it gently, her eyes focusing on Megan in my arms.
“Take care of her. She may not be related to me, but she is my sister and if you hurt her I cannot guarantee that you won’t have some shit coming your way,” she said smiling.
“I don’t plan on hurting her. She has been through enough bullshit to last her a lifetime,” I responded, kissing Megan on the top of her head. Gwyn gave her a quick hug and walked with Ally and Lexi to the main door, promises of meeting up for breakfast one day soon being shouted back at us.
Tony noticed Megan half falling asleep in my arms and offered to help me carry her out to the car. “Hey, I don’t know if you heard from Rick yet or not, but he got a call about Mark Addler. He’s got a parole hearing in the morning. They expect him to be a free man by noon tomorrow.”
I froze in place. That man cannot get out of prison, he is in for fucking murder! A roar threatened to rip from my throat, rage, anger and sorrow combining into one all over again. Roark was there in an instant, grabbing Megan from my arms so I didn’t drop her or wake her up. I stormed out the door, moving past Ally and Lexi. When I got to the car I was screaming, my heart pounding in my chest.
“Hey are you okay?” Ally said running up to me, looking over her shoulder as Tony tried to stop her from bothering me.