Page 3 of My Eternal Light
Kendrick’s eyes narrowed. “There’s more?!”
She held up her hand. “I refuse to speak on things where I might inadvertently be confessing to something you don’t know about yet.”
When Kendrick took a step forward, Aiden stood and took a place next to Brennus.
Kendrick scowled. “I would never hurt her. Just throttle her a bit, to shake some sense into her.”
Anne stood and cuffed her mate soundly. “Violence is never the answer. Now, count to one-hundred.”
He rubbed the back of his head gingerly.
Kincaid saw that Kendrick was about to respond to his mate then seemingly thought better of it and began counting.
Anne turned to Meryn. “He would never hurt you.”
Meryn nodded. “I know that. He likes me.”
“Likes!” Kendrick turned sharply from where he had been counting. “I love you, you chaos inducing, psychotic little menace! Gods!” He put his hands on his hips and resumed his pacing and counting.
Meryn looked smug. “See. He gets me.”
“Of course I get you! You are the incarnate version of me, when I was your age.” He shuddered. “Though I don’t think I was ever your age. Or as dangerous.”
The queen laughed. “Oh. You absolutely were. I remember many a long conversation with your father about how he was sure you’d bring about the next apocalypse. Little Meryn has just done helpful things here and there.”
Kendrick turned to the queen. “First of all. The only reason we aren’t worried about her setting off an apocalypse is because she doesn’t have the magic I did.”
Around the room many, ‘Thank the gods’, were murmured.
“Second of all, her ‘helpful’ antics have rendered all my efforts in Storm Keep useless.”
“Moot,” Pip corrected. “With an ‘o’. Meryn taught me that word.”
Kendrick growled low. “I stand corrected. My efforts have been rendered moot.”
Meryn looked confused. “What efforts?”
“I had nearly compiled enough evidence to tie the Committee to the Witches Council.”
“And, we could have presented that evidence to the Elder Councils to confront them.”
Meryn frowned. “Dude, the Committee have been dead men walking for months now. The only reason their expirations got moved up on my to-do list is because they went after Keelan. He belongs to me. That means they had to go.”
Kendrick tilted his head and looked at her. “What do you mean he belongs to you?”
Meryn waved her hand around the room. “You know. When you don’t want the person to get hurt, they belong to you.”
Amelia beamed. “You mean you love them. You don’t want them to get hurt, because you love them.”
Meryn shrugged. “Whatever.”
Kendrick shook his head. “Meryn, sometimes, though slower, the political route can yield farther reaching results.” He shook his head. “And once again you have my father’s words coming out of my mouth.”
She smirked. “And how’s that long game working out for you?”
“Argggh!” Kendrick threw his hands in the air.