Page 4 of My Eternal Light
Meryn sighed. “Kendrick, I fully admit there are times for the slow route and to do twisted shit and watch people squirm. This was not one of those times. The Elder Councils you were going to report to, they already knew something hinky was going on between the Witches Council and the Committee. I think maybe they realized something that is still eluding you. It’s why I had to take action. It needed to be decisive and brutal to send a message. I just hope they listen.”
“What in the bloody hell are you talking about, Menace?” Kendrick demanded.
Meryn straightened. “You don’t shit where you sleep.”
“What does that even...” Kendrick started.
“I mean, shifters have been losing fucking families. Pregnant women, newborns, despair-filled fathers. We nearly lost the entire city of vampires in an effort to drain the elder vamps dry and here in Éire Danu whole generations have been murdered and stacked up like cord wood in warehouses!”
“I know that!”
Meryn stood. “Then tell me, what have the witches lost?”
Kendrick froze.
“What have the witches been fighting against? Ferals? Not that I’ve heard.”
Kendrick turned to Amelia. “They kidnapped her…”
Meryn cut him off. “Do you really think the little magic they took from her matches what was taken from the other paranormals?”
Kendrick’s hand was shaking as he covered his mouth.
Meryn sat back down. “I wanted to kinda break it to you gently, but as you said, I’m like you, so that was the best I could do.”
Anne wrapped her arm around Kendrick’s waist. “You both really suck at stuff like this.” She steered her mate to a chair. “She’s not wrong. I saw it too. I just assumed you knew.”
Kendrick stared at the table. “I know every single witch that has either the power or clout to have a hand in this. I cannot imagine any of them doing such things.”
“Which is exactly why you haven’t put two and two together to realize that whoever we’re up against is working out of Storm Keep,” Meryn replied.
“No. That can’t be…”
“Kendrick, she’s right,” the queen said softly. “I ignored what was in front of me and my children were hurt because of it. You of all people know exactly how insightful Meryn can be. She does not have the emotional attachments that hinder us. From everything you have learned about her since meeting her. Do you think she is wrong?”
Kendrick turned his head and stared at Meryn. Their eyes locked for long moments before he shook his head. “She isn’t wrong.”
Kincaid let out the breath he and been holding. “My nerves aren’t cut out for this!”
Meryn pat the chair next to her where Aiden had been sitting. “Sit down. Have a brownie.”
Kincaid sat and reached for the open box on the table. He shoved the entire brownie in his mouth and exhaled slowly.
Aiden turned and saw, that once again, between Kincaid and Pip, the seats next to his mate were taken. Grumbling under his breath he sat down in the chair next to Kincaid.
Brennus made his way over to the sideboard and poured a generous amount of golden liquid into a highball glass before walking over to Kendrick and setting it down in front of him. “I know you love her, but if you ever throttle my niece, I will throttle you. And I will not be nearly as nice about it as you would be young man.”
Kendrick accepted the drink and admonishment with a grunt.
Meryn smiled goofily. “Is that what it’s like to have a dad?”
Aiden smiled. “It is. My father would have said something similar.” He became thoughtful. “Though, I think more teeth would have been involved for threats against Meryn, than for his sons.”
Brennus walked up behind Meryn and kissed the top of her head. “You do whatever you want my little love. Your other uncles and I will clear the way for you.”
Meryn’s eyes grew wide. “Even an apocalypse?”
Brennus chuckled. “Yes, even then.”