Page 40 of My Eternal Light
His mother covered her mouth with her free hand. “Is she?”
“Mother, Father, this is my mate Zadie Williams. She is teacher who truly cares about her students.”
“What else son? I want to learn all about our new daughter,” his father asked.
Kincaid blushed furiously. “We only met a few hours ago.”
At Kincaid’s announcement Ember reached for Zadie.
Zadie pulled the girl into her arms. “Very nice to meet you, Miss Ember.”
“Law, Justice, what the fuck guys?” Meryn asked.
Ember’s eyes widened. “She said a bad word.”
Zadie smiled down at her. “I have a feeling Ms. Meryn says a lot of bad words. That’s okay, because it’s part of who she is.”
“Me and Justice got tapped by Kendrick when he arrived,” Law explained. “And a good thing he did. It took all three of us to get out of there unseen.”
“I helped as well, honey,” the older woman added.
“I wanna see Caid’s mate!” the girl being held by Kincaid’s father cried.
“I wanna go home!” the boy yelled.
A sharp clap had everyone turning toward the table.
“Welcome to Éire Danu, my name is Queen Aleksandra EirDan. I am very thankful everyone was able to make it here safely. How about we all take a seat here in the antechamber and we can answer any questions you may have.”
“Queen?” his father asked weakly.
“Oh dear,” his mother whispered.
Kincaid straightened. “It’s not as bad as I’m sure you’re making it out to be in your minds. Sit down and I’ll explain everything,” he promised in gentle tones.
Zadie looked down at Ember. “I’d like some explanations too.” She scrunched up her nose making the girl smile.
“Then let’s go.” Ember pointed the direction everyone was heading.
“Let’s go,” Zadie repeated, following behind the child laden Kincaid.
Chapter Six
Cord made sure everyone was comfortable in the assortment of chairs and couches that had reappeared after getting the children settled in the sitting room. “Now, before we get into long winded explanations, I think that maybe Master Cody and our new little guests might retire to the sitting room where the other children are resting. I can arrange for more blanket forts and hot chocolate.”
Ember turned to her parents. “May we have hot chocolate, Mama?”
The women nodded looking relieved. “I think that sounds like a wonderful idea.”
Kincaid watched Giles’ expression begin to sour. He placed a hand on his shoulder and leaned down. “There are other fifteen-year olds in there as well, but they are new to our world the way a human would be. I would feel a lot better if you were there to help.”
The change in his brother was immediate. “It’s not like I’m unused to looking after little kids,” he said wryly. “Come on witchlings and you too kiddo. I’ll get started on that blanket fort for us so Mister Cord can get the hot chocolate.”
Cord nodded approvingly and headed to the kitchen.
As they left Kincaid saw his father mouth the words, ‘thank you’. He smiled. They were his precious younger siblings; he would do anything for them.
The queen sat back. “I don’t quite know where to begin.”