Page 41 of My Eternal Light
“My parents have been kept abreast of what has been happening in our world, but I’m afraid, Zadie knows next to nothing.”
“Take her pepper-gel,” Meryn whispered.
Zadie crossed her eyes at the smaller woman. “I won’t pepper-gel our friends Meryn.”
From the kitchen Izzy walked in with a tray. “One warm caramel macchiato with extra caramel for Zadie. A decaf quad-shot bittersweet mocha for Meryn, and a tray of assorted mochas, americanos, lattes and straight up double shots. I’m afraid Cord commandeered the hot chocolate I prepared, but I heard it was for the kiddos, so that’s okay.”
Cord was moments behind her with a smaller tray of mugs, he veered off toward the sitting room to take the kids their hot chocolate.
His mother took an americano gratefully. “You have your own barista?”
Meryn grinned. “That’s Isabella Vi’Eirlea, Prince Oron’s mate.”
His mother nearly dropped her coffee. “My Lady, I’m so sorry,” she started.
Izzy waved her off. “We’re all pretty much family here, so don’t you pay no nevermind.”
“Everyone, this is my mother and father, Jessup and Michaela Bayberry. Parents to Giles, Draven, Hazel, Ember and Enid,” Kincaid went around the table and introduced everyone both for his parents and for Zadie.
Meryn was looking around the room. “Where is my Pip?”
The queen had to raise her napkin to hide her smile. “What did you put him charge of, my dear?”
“And where do you think cuddles were needed the most earlier?”
Meryn’s eyes went to the sitting room. “Oh. Good for him.”
Aiden walked into the room and sat down. “I let father know what happened today. I was halfway through warning him about the Witches’ Council when the portal opened, and everyone arrived.” He closed his eyes and sat back. “He said I needed to replenish his liquor cabinet when we finally get home.”
Kendrick raised the highball glass he had helped himself to. “I’ll send him a few bottles. What did he say the Lycaonia Elder Council would do?”
Aiden looked down at the coffee selection and helped himself to a latte. “He said he tried reaching out to Marshall Ironwood, but couldn’t get a hold of him,” Aiden reported, looking to Amelia. “I’m sure they’re fine.”
Amelia turned to Darian who had his arm around her shoulders. “I went there myself. The house was empty, but the lightbulbs were warm. We might have missed them by minutes.”
“My brothers?” she asked, her lips trembling.
Law laughed and Justice elbowed him in the ribs pointing to how upset Amelia was. Law coughed. “Caiden, Kyran and Tristan have pulled all warrior families into the warrior houses and locked them down.” He frowned. “What did he say they were doing, Justice?”
“Planning a May Day celebration or some such nonsense. Fun reconnecting with nature, camping and grilling,” Justice answered.
“Thank the goddess that Serenity’s family decided to return to Noctem Falls with her and Micah instead of back to their home in Storm Keep,” Laelia breathed a sigh of relief. She looked to Meryn. “They had groups of ‘council enforcers’ looking for us. If Kendrick hadn’t come,” she shuddered.
At the mention of the enforcers, Kendrick’s expression darkened. “I haven’t put this much effort into helping to raise your children for some parasitic asslickers to…” he continued in a language Kincaid had never heard before.
From everyone else’s expressions, no one except for the older woman that arrived with Laelia and Radclyffe, the queen and Brennus gave any indication they knew what Kendrick was ranting about. Whatever Kendrick was saying in those guttural tones had the queen flushing one moment and paling the next.
Meryn stared, eyes unblinking. “What was that?”
Kendrick just took a drink.
Meryn turned to the older woman. “Do you know?”
“I do. Doesn’t mean it’s fit for me to tell you,” she replied.
“Who are you anyway?” Meryn asked.