Page 54 of My Eternal Light
“What about tonight? I’m kinda wanting those cuddles you were talking about.”
He exhaled and rubbed his hands down his face. “Gods, I would kill for even a moss bed at this point or a pile of leaves. Anything would be better than that.”
The floor rumbled slightly as a flush of green erupted under the bay windows.
“You?” she asked.
“Yup, I think.”
“Fuck it. I’ll take it. Let’s go to bed.”
He nodded then walked over to the monster bed to strip it of the sheets. Together they made a pile of blankets to sleep on.
“Silk or flannel?” he asked, holding up two stacks of sheets.
“In this weather? Bring the flannel over here.”
Once their little nest was complete, she hesitated.
Does he sleep nude? Should I sleep nude?
“Here you go, hun.” He handed her his white undershirt. “I’m pretty warm at night so going shirtless won’t affect me.” He had his hands at his belt. “I have on boxer briefs, but if you’re not comfortable with that, I can keep my pants on.”
“No, briefs are fine. Thank you, for the shirt. I’ll sleep better in it than my button-down work shirt.”
He smiled softly and they both wordlessly undressed.
Nervousness gave way to being cold and she dove under the covers. “If we get rid of the bed, can we ask for a fireplace?”
“You read my mind,” he admitted.
Once laying down, he reached for her, and she scooted back until they were spooning.
“Gods,” he whispered.
“I know.”
It was like finding the exact right position to sleep in, everything just felt comfy and right.
“What’s your room at the villa like?”
Behind her she could feel his breath on her neck, and he laughed.
“It’s embarrassing, but it’s more like a library that doubles as a workshop, that I have a bed in.”
“Do you have room for me to have a desk?”
He kissed her shoulder. “Of course. In fact, in addition to this room, we can completely gut and redo my quarters there as well. Truly make both our own.”
“Can your warrior brothers work miracles? Because if the rest of the house is like this, we have a ton of work ahead of us.”
“Hun, miracles are our specialty.”
She couldn’t help it she began giggling. “T-t-that bed is so b-b-bad.”
The bed shook behind her as Kincaid laughed as well. “I seriously want to send it to the palace for Oron, I mean he was probably conceived in that bed, right?”
“Oh. My. God! Ew! We were expected to sleep there?”