Page 55 of My Eternal Light
She felt his tears of laughter on her arm. “They replaced the mattress, hun.”
“Not the point. Ew!”
When he continued to laugh, she pushed her cold feet onto his legs.
He yelped and quieted down, which made her giggle.
It was between giggles and laughter, under the light of a fake moon that shone through the windows, on a bed made of magic and moss, that she fell asleep, complete for the first time in her life.
Chapter Eight
Zadie woke up feeling delicious. She couldn’t think of a better term. She was warm and cozy, and Kincaid’s body cradled her without squishing her. At some point she had pulled his arm over her body to hold between her breasts like a pillow. She could lay here forever, if only she didn’t have to pee.
“God damn bladder,” she muttered quietly.
A soft chuckle let her know Kincaid was awake.
“You could have got me up.”
“And give up my place in heaven?”
She took his hand, and they threaded their fingers. She didn’t want to say anything, but she could definitely tell all of him was awake this morning. Feeling his hot length against her, she couldn’t help the dirty thoughts that were making themselves known. She shifted slightly, trying to gauge exactly how much of her butt and back had that warmth against it.
“Uncomfortable?” he asked, sounding concerned.
No, I’m just being pervy.
“No, I’m fine,” she replied. She couldn’t help it. She moved again loving how he felt.
“Oh. I see. What do you need, my love?” he asked, pulling his hand free to trace down her side.
“Maybe, just a little bit…”
His hand wandered down until it dipped down past her hip. “Just a little bit, huh?”
“Turn to face me,” he ordered.
Never in her life had she moved so fast. Lying on her back she looked at him lying on his side, his hand now on her lower belly.
“Good, now I can see your beautiful eyes.”
“They’re not as pretty as yours. I always wanted dark blue eyes, mine are just washed out.”
“They are gorgeous, a faint blue, almost silver. But, if I look real close around your iris, there’s a line of periwinkle. I think you have the most striking eyes I have ever seen.”
She couldn’t help but smile. No one had ever said anything like that to her. She reached up to trace his jaw. “Kiss me?”
He was on her instantly.
His lips felt amazing. Not too wet, just firm enough and he knew exactly how to use them. He nibbled and teased until she had to break away from him to catch her breath.
Gasping, she tried to slow her breathing when she felt his hands pull at her underwear. She lifted her hips, and he tossed them across the room.
“Let me?” he pleaded.
“Sure?” she said, not knowing what he wanted.