Page 75 of My Eternal Light
His low chuckle was clearly audible from his line. “Adriel left here a few moments ago. From my understanding all units are meeting in Éire Danu then from there will take portals to the location in question.”
“That’s right, but I’m not working on units right now.”
“What do you need?”
“We need a landing zone.”
“Like for an airplane?” the prince asked, sounding confused.
“No. We need a place to send survivors. We’re hoping there will be as close to three thousand as possible. We can’t support that right now.”
“Gods, above,” he whispered. He cleared his throat. “Send us half.”
The queen rushed forward to stand looking down at the speaker on Meryn’s desk. “Magnus…”
“No arguments, Aleksandra. Meryn, send us half and I swear to you on my life they will be cared for as if they were my own children.”
The queen simply nodded and kept wiping away her tears.
“She’s nodding. Thanks, Magnus, you have no idea how much this helps.”
“Oh, I have a pretty good idea,” he retorted. “It is time we put this center of healing to work. How better to do that, than in helping two women I care for very much,” he said, before disconnecting.
Meryn looked around. “Cas! You okay with going to Noctem Falls?”
“Is it to use my gift on the survivors?” she asked, standing from where she had been sitting with Zoe, Izzy, and Zadie.
“Yup. We have Amelia here to start the psychobabble, but you can help do that there. Maybe color code post-it-notes or something,” Meryn suggested.
“I’m heading there now.” She turned. “Psychobabble? Really, Meryn?”
“Correct me later,” Meryn waved her off.
“I will go with you,” the queen said to Cas. She turned to Brennus. “I need you to go to where our people will be arriving. They will need to see you. I will be going to Noctem Falls for the same reason. They will need to see that they are safe, we represent Éire Danu to them.”
Brennus looked like he was about to argue but ended up kissing her instead. “Not a single scratch,” he warned.
She smiled wanly. “You too, my love.”
She joined Cas at the doorway, then turned to Portia and Molvan. “Meryn speaks for the crown while Darian and I are gone.”
Both simply placed their hands over their hearts and bowed their acceptance.
Meryn shrugged. “Whatever.” Turning back to the water healer. “Laelia, you and Radclyffe will be meeting up with Rheia and Adam coming in from Lycaonia. Snag Anne and Amelia on the way out. Y’all are going to triage and set up medical tents off to one side in the Border City town’s square.”
Darian walked over. “Does she really have to go?” his eyes full of worry.
Meryn looked at Amelia who was fuming at her own mate. “Yes. I know you’re worried about princey nugget, but they’ll be just fine… I.”
“Hey there, sunshine,” a southern drawl called from the door. “These portals sure are gettin’ a workout.”
Meryn broke into a huge smile. “Just in time. Eva Mae, I need you to guard my big sister-cousin with your life. She’s an empath, but way better than me. She’s going to help the survivors. The second she looks like it’s too much for her, bring her back here, even if you have to fireman carry her out.”
Eva Mae nodded. “You got it, Boss.”
Darian was all smiles and Amelia was now staring at her cousin, mouth open.
“I can help,” Zoe volunteered. “I can warm up the square. I promise I won’t set anyone on fire!”