Page 76 of My Eternal Light
Meryn nodded. “Stay with Amelia and Eva Mae.”
Together all four women left, bundling up against the cold.
“Darian, head down to the town’s square, you too Oron. Catch up with Aiden. Darian, you’ll be responsible for opening a portal to Noctem Falls, Oron you’re opening a portal back here. Send half the survivors here, half go to Noctem Falls,” she ordered. She paused. “Tell Rheia to send anyone there who is critical and in need of immediate surgery. They’re better equipped.”
Both fae princes bowed and ran from the room.
Meryn’s computer rang. “Yello, talk.”
“Hey Meryn, it’s Dav.”
“What’s up?”
“Lycaonia’s Old Guard just showed up with the unit warriors. Where do you want them and us?”
“Dav, split the Old Guard into three teams and have them move out with each group.”
“And my team?” he asked.
“I need you to form a perimeter around the town’s square. Call Priest’s bio dad, they can patrol from the air. I don’t want to bring these people here then have a ton of fucking dark portals pop up.”
“Gods above,” he prayed lowly for a moment then responded. “I can contact Gaius. Ever since that eaglet mated, the birds have been popping in more.”
“Cool, I’ll leave you to it. Call Pip if you have an emergency, he’ll text you, so you have his number. All my other lines will be in use for the next hour or so.”
“Will do,” he said then hung up.
“I have my phone right here Meryn,” Pip announced, holding it up.
She wrote down and number and gave it to him. “Text Dav so he has your number. Thanks for being my back up line.”
“I cannot do computer things. But, I can answer the phone and organize messages,” he said proudly.
Meryn dialed a number, and they all heard it ring.
“Meryn, sweetheart?”
“Hey Sebastian. Heads up. My Auntie is coming there to help the survivors.”
There were a few seconds of silence.
“The Queen of the Fae is coming here?” he asked, his voice cracking slightly.
“I leave her in your care,” Meryn said, in a quiet, serious tone.
“I have to go.”
“Thank you,” Brennus said, looking like he could breathe a bit easier.
Kincaid inched closer and looked at Meryn’s set up. Each of her six monitors showed something different. She had a monitor each dedicated to Noah, Jaxon, Nigel and Neil. She was basically coordinating the coordinators.
“Meryn, West Building team assembled and debriefed, they are on standby on comms one,” Noah announced.
“East Building team is online, ready to go and on standby as well,” Nigel called out.
“North Building team has been ready, they are on comms one, but Meryn, Colton said he wanted to talk to you,” Jaxon said, rolling his eyes.