Page 77 of My Eternal Light
Meryn smiled, then typed a few things, suddenly the sounds of low voices and breathing could be heard in the room. The boys were monitoring lines and adjusting volumes as needed.
“Attention!” Meryn said, and suddenly everything got quiet. “Units, you have three main objectives. Once the signal is given, shut down those devices, kill anyone who stands in your way and rescue our people.
The devices are centered in each building, and they look to be feeding energy into the main building. I don’t care how you do it but turn those things into scrap metal.”
“Yes, ma’am!”
“We are not taking any prisoners. There is nothing they can tell us at this point that would be worth keeping them alive. Kill them and dispose of the bodies to keep the locals ignorant.”
“Yes, ma’am!”
“Get our people home. Your guardian angels will be locking the doors to our friendlies to keep them from running into combat. Unit leaders, you will have to give them the all-clear to get those doors open. The survivors are then to be escorted to the main building where two portals will be open. One to Noctem Falls and one to Éire Danu. Now, I know not all of you have medical training, but use your best judgement. Try to get the more critically injured to the Center of Healing in Noctem Falls and try to keep families together if possible.”
“Yes, ma’am!”
Meryn shook her head. “Yes, Colton?”
“No prisoners?” he asked.
Kincaid heard the unasked question.
How bad can I be?
Meryn smiled and it was almost serene. “Fuck em up. Show me why you’re second ranked warrior, Colton Albright.”
“Leave it to me,” he answered, his voice turned gravelly. Kincaid could hear how close to the surface his wolf was.
“Godsdammit, Meryn,” Aiden griped, now faced with the task of keeping his best friend from committing war crimes.
Meryn just laughed.
The men howled and cheered.
“Go get ‘em boys!”
One by one the unit leaders cut the comms, and the room was quiet once again.
Finally, Meryn turned to them.
“I feel like I’m forgetting something.”
Zadie shook her head. “I can’t imagine what it could be.”
Frowning Meryn shook her head. “Kendrick your team is going in front and center, just the way I know you like it.”
Kendrick simply nodded his agreement.
“I ran a thermal on the building. Whatever those devices are pulling from the fae, the energy is being run from each satellite device in the outbuildings to the main building’s center room. This looks like the original site. Their machines are pulling from them one by one.” She took a deep breath. “They’re processing as we speak, it’s what I saw earlier. If it had been one of the newer warehouses, we’d be too late. They’d have been taken out all in one go.”
Kincaid felt anger as waves of ice water flooded his veins. She kept it together enough to organize this massive strike, after seeing that?
Meryn continued. “Your building has the main room and command center that looks like it’s security for the whole place and three side rooms.”
Kendrick’s jaw tightened. “No friendlies?”
Meryn shook her head sadly. “Those rooms are where they’ve stacked the dead.”