Page 118 of The Heir
“So did you.”
Tango was running to them, smiling. “Hey guys!”
After kissing Roland, Dante asked him, “Security good?”
“Yes! Every camera is working, everything is just great.”
Jace was just coming out of the café when they passed by and he stopped them. “Binx’s place is already booked solid for the first month. He’s walking on air, well, when he’s not sniping at his staff. He’s so cute, except when he’s working.”
They laughed and Sel said, “He’s picky about his food.”
Jace was the manager of the resort and it showed on his face, the pride he had in it. “That last delivery that was late is now on the way. Cowpokes is gonna be filled to capacity tonight. The babysitters and daycare already expect all the kids the families brought.”
“There should be cots coming for the kids that will be in the daycare tonight,” Sel rushed to tell him.
“Those came in this morning,” Jace said. “No worries.”
“Whew. I can’t believe there are no bumps,” he said and they all shooshed him loudly.
Indio groaned, “Are you trying to jinx it?”
“You guys aren’t seriously superstitious. Are you?”
All he got was rolling eyes for an answer. Tango pointed to the beam under the awning at the hotel. “Knock on wood. Fast.”
“I’m not knocking on wood.”
“Oh, yes you are,” Indio said, pointing. “Now!”
Sel did and rolled his own eyes. “Better?”
All day that first day, they walked around, greeting people, hearing their excitement, hearing their stories of the petting zoo that was located just outside the guest ranch. The kids loved petting the baby animals, and the parents were already booking riding lessons for their kids and themselves at the guest ranch.
The stagecoach went through the town, dropping people at their destinations, the driver giving a wave to the owners and managers.
It was a dream come true, the entire place, and in only two days was the huge grand opening celebration on June first. The start of Pride.
Maybe Dante’s dream of opening in Pride month was a year late, but it would come true regardless.
Sel was excited for the first night of Cowpokes. There was set to be a huge celebration for the entire first month, and they, like the town, was getting a jumpstart that evening.
Dante would attend for the first hour or so, but he and Blaine would go home after to await news on their babies. Bonita and Barry had rented an apartment in Billings since she was in her third trimester.
She’d argued that the ranch had a more than capable doctor, but Dante and Blaine insisted she give birth in a regular hospital.
That meant that he and Indio could go to Cowpokes and enjoy themselves, without scarring Dante and Blaine by seeing their nephew half naked, being led around on a leash.
Indio hadn’t wanted to do it at first, but when Sel modeled his outfit, Indio had not only agreed, but had fucked him for an hour after.
“Dante, any word from Bonita?”
“Your friend Ruben is over there today,” Dante told him, nodding to people they passed. “She had some contractions, so the doctor has ordered her to bed for the duration of the pregnancy.”
“You had to have twins,” Sel teased.
“They’re going to be so beautiful. She’s a beautiful lady. We owe her the world,” Dante said with tears welling.
Sel was very happy for his uncles. Their dreams were all coming true, and no one deserved it more. They’d brought so many people together over the years, even before the resort, and since they’d bought the ranch, even more dreams were seeing their completion, including Sel’s own.