Page 119 of The Heir
Blaine kissed Dante and a few whistles were heard from those passing by. Dante waved while he blushed. “BB, not here!”
Sel told him, “Here, Dante, is the best place for that. Look around you. A town filled with gay men, holding hands, kissing, being with friends and partners, laughing, not worrying about anyone coming up to them with slurs or trying to start fights. This is the place, so kiss your damn husband and shush.”
“Well, you told me,” he said before he turned to Blaine and kissed him passionately, getting a lot more whistles from the people around them.
“Yeah, why not,” Jace said, and kissed Roland, then kissed Tango, and Sel glanced at Indio, not expecting him to follow their lead.
Well, like always, Indio surprised him, and pulled him into his arms and kissed him tenderly. “Tonight, baby, we’re gonna have some fun, but for now, let’s go harass Binx.”
“You’re on.”
They went into the restaurant and saw Binx right away, and what’s more, he saw them. After he ran over to Sel and almost tackled him with a hug, he said excitedly, “They’re all here! They all fit on the same plane!” He noticed Indio too, and kissed his cheek. “Come on! Come meet my friends!”
Binx grabbed Sel’s hand and pulled him over to the two very packed tables in the far corner. A bevy of gorgeous men looked up at him, and his eyes moved over them as he could barely believe his eyes. So many beautiful guys in one place. The only two that he recognized were Lonnie and Travis, who both got up to greet him and Indio with hugs. “Hey, Sel! The place looks amazing,” Lonnie told him.
Binx announced to his friends, “This is Selestino, Dante’s nephew, and the head of the place, well, with Jace, but you know, Jace is the manager.”
He laughed and waved, “Hello everyone!”
Binx started to point around the table. “That is Jack and Rebel over there,” he said of the older man with streaks of grey in his hair, sitting next to a man with lighter hair, pretty green eyes and a smirk on his face.
“That is Brandon and Sidney,” he said of the next couple and Sel recognized Sidney. He’d modeled for the company they used for the costumes and sex toys for the club and apparel shop.
“I’ve seen you before. Slutae catalogues, right?”
“Yes, but I don’t do it anymore. We have a son getting older, so I’m afraid he’s going to find one.”
“Sure, sure.”
Binx pointed again to another three men. “Lin, Joe and Andy.” Then he pointed to his own Sirs. “You know them.”
“So you’re the guy who stole our Binxie,” Rebel teased. “He hasn’t stopped bragging on you and this place since you first brought him here.”
“He’s the best. You’re all invited back, anytime, free of charge,” he said, but lowered his voice for the last bit.
“We will definitely be back,” Lonnie said. “I can’t believe this is the same place. Those guest cabins alone are amazing. Cozy and warm, we just love ours.”
“Better than the bunkhouse and twin bed?”
Lonnie laughed, “Much better.”
When they left the café after chatting with Binx and his friends, they found Jace, Blaine and Dante speaking to three men in between the café and regular apparel store. “Sel! Come meet the men who inspired this place, and who also have a stake in it doing well.”
Before he could introduce them, Sel knew who they were.
“Burke, Damon and Joel?”
Joel nodded but lowered his head and effectively covered his blushing cheeks with the rim of his cowboy hat. “Joel is shy with new people,” Burke explained as he shook Sel’s hand.
Damon added, “But get him on stage tonight, and he comes out of his shell.”
They were brutish men except for Joel, who was rather slight and shorter than his two partners. That was weird, being Sel knew something about Joel. “Joel, aren’t you the one that rode crazy bulls?”
His head slowly rose and when Sel saw his smile, he knew he’d said the right thing. “Yessir, I sure was.”
“You’re very brave. I still haven’t so much as ridden one of the horses here. They scare me.”
“Yer scared of horses? I kin teach ya!”