Page 89 of The Heir
As he got to Sel’s room, he saw the door open, which he knew it shouldn’t be. There would be no way Sel would have left it open, being so angry with Indio. He got to the doorway and peeked in, seeing a man standing over Sel’s bed while Sel lay sleeping.
The glint of moonlight hit metal, showing Indio the knife, and Indio moved without thinking, without a sound, turning into the doorway, lifting the gun, pointing it right at the man’s head, following it as he bent over Sel while raising the knife in the air, ready to plunge it inside of the sleeping man.
He had only one chance to stop Sel from being killed. He doubted if Alex Brooks was aiming to wound Sel. One shot, one second, one heartbeat away from Sel being lost forever, taking Indio’s heart with him.
Indio’s hatred for Alex Brooks competed only with the warm, wonderful feelings he had for Sel, and once he shot, he knew in his heart that if he missed, he’d lose Sel forever.
The sound in the quiet house was loud, shocking even him, though he knew it was coming, and as he watched, Alex Brooks was still, completely unmoving for what seemed like hours, but then, he slumped, the knife falling from his hand as his knees buckled and he fell to the floor in a lump.
Sel was sitting up, scrambling clumsily to the opposite side of the bed, even as doors flew open and men started appearing in the hall. Indio paid none of them a bit of attention, rushing into the room and grabbing Sel off the bed, dragging him into his arms and holding him there.
“You okay? That knife didn’t cut you, did it?”
Sel was sobbing uncontrollably, his body shaking so badly he couldn’t speak at all. Indio moved past the men crowding the hall, half of them on phones and he carried Sel down to the living room.
After sitting on the couch, he held the man, who still hadn’t said a word. His arms were draped around Indio’s neck and his face solidly in Indio’s chest. “Are you hurt? Just tell me that, please!”
Sel brought his face from Indio’s chest and unwrapped his arms, looking over each. “I…I don’t think…no, I’m okay.”
“Sel, god, I was so scared,” he said, taking Sel’s chin in his grip and bringing him in for a kiss. “So scared.”
“You saved me,” he said against Indio’s lips. “You saved my life.”
“Right place, right time.”
“No! You saved me!”
He held Sel on the sofa close, even as men started filling the room. “Dante’s on his way,” Marius told him. “What the fuck happened?”
As Indio quickly filled them in, he watched Mal, Kirk and Dog come into the room, confirming the man was dead. “You got him right through the temple.”
Sel snuggled closer to him, and Binx sat beside him. “Are you okay?”
“Thanks to Indio.”
“Really, I was coming in, I saw a chair against the basement door. If I hadn’t been smoking, I would have been down there too.”
“I never thought I’d be so glad you smoked,” Mal said, laughing. “Well, it’s over. It’s finally over.”
Sel nodded on his shoulder. “It’s over.”
Dante came in soon after and Indio hated that Sel was still on his lap, but Dante didn’t seem to notice. He rushed to his nephew, Blaine on his heels, and knelt quickly. “Sel? You okay? Are you hurt?”
“No, Uncle Dante. He had a knife, but Indio saved me. He saved my life.”
Dante’s dark eyes met his. “Anything you ever want or need, Indio, just ask. Anything.”
Sel again nodded against Indio’s shoulder. “Anything.”
“Good. Stop fighting with me.”
“Okay, I can’t promise that.”
Blaine laughed and pulled his husband up from the floor. “Let’s let them be for the moment, Dante. The sheriff and other law enforcement are on the way.” To Indio, he said, “They’ll want to speak to you both.”
“Sure, sure.”
Indio checked over Sel again. “Are you okay to talk to them?”