Page 90 of The Heir
“If you’re with me.”
For the first time, Sel didn’t seem like the tough guy he tried so hard to be. He was vulnerable, and he’d likely hate that, but for that little while, Indio took great comfort in it. All the times he’d felt like a frightened wuss, being scared shitless of his growing feelings for Sel, he finally saw that Sel wasn’t above fear. Even if it did take being nearly killed for them to show.
The law came, and they gave their statements. The house was a crime scene, so they were all taken to the bunkhouse for the rest of the night. Not that anyone slept. After Vic was finished with her police duties, she went straight to the kitchen, and together with Binx, started pumping out coffee, food and comfort.
One of the empty rooms in the bunkhouse was given to Sel and Indio. Sel still clung to him, but he’d stopped his tears and shaking at last. “I can’t believe I even fell asleep. I was so pissed off, I thought I’d be up all night, planning how I’d fuck with you.”
“I figured. I was actually surprised to see you sleeping.”
“I’m sorry, Indio. I didn’t mean to push.”
“I didn’t mean to…be such a dick. The things I said, I didn’t really mean them.”
“Even if you did, it wasn’t up to me to make you…change.”
Indio felt Sel’s eyes on him, but like before, he was too cowardly to meet them.
“Indio, I don’t care if we ever live together or tell anyone we’re together or anything. I don’t want anything but to spend time with you.”
“That’s a lie,” he said, then kissed Sel softly. “I’m just not ready to talk about any of that right now. Not after what happened. Right now, just knowing you’re okay is all I want to know. The rest, it’ll either come or we’ll kill each other.”
Sel nodded, smiling and then jumped as he heard his phone. He picked it up and saw it was his father. “Dad.”
“Video call.”
Sel moved away from him so the wall of the room was behind him instead of Indio and he answered. “Hi, Dad.”
“Sel…thank God you’re okay. Dante called me, he told me everything that happened. Where is this boyfriend of yours?”
“He’s not my boyfriend, Dad.”
“Well, he saved your life, so you’d better figure out what he is. He’s about to come into a lot of money and have any job he could ever want.”
Sel’s smile was sweet as he said, “He’s right here.”
Indio felt his ass puckering over the thought of speaking to Sel’s father, but Sel handed him the phone and he was soon face to face, or at least as face to face as a video call could be, with the head of the Carrillo crime family. “Hello, sir.”
“Sir, my ass. You saved my son’s life. I hope you heard what I just told Sel. Anything you want, anywhere you want to live, whatever.”
Indio moved his eyes from the phone to Sel and said, “I’ve got everything I could want here, sir, I mean…I mean Mr. Carrillo. I’m all set.”
“If that ever changes, including if my pain in the ass son doesn’t realize what a good man he’s got, you just give me a call.”
“Thank you.”
Sel snatched back the phone and pouted, “Dad! I almost got killed and you’re calling me a pain in the ass?”
“Yeah. I am. Here’s your mom. She’s about to tear off my arm to talk to you.”
Before he could laugh at Sel, a woman’s face was on the phone, a very beautiful woman with deep lines between her brows. “Selestino, my God, are you ever going to stop worrying us?”
“Mom! I’ve never worried you! To be fair, this is the first time since I’ve been here, I haven’t been the perfect son!”
“We don’t have enough with Antonia and Cesar?”
“Thanks, Mom!”
“You know we love you, Sel. Now, let me talk to your guy.”