Page 95 of The Heir
“We gotta rest up if I’m gonna find somewhere on this crowded ranch to tie you up and fuck you until you cry like a baby.”
Sel’s jaw dropped as Indio laughed.
“You’re evil.”
“You like that about me.”
They met up with Barry Monarco before heading to Redbud where the federal agents were stationed as they sorted out their serial killer mess.
He gave them the parameters of what the questions would likely be and what each should say. “Don’t give too many details, but don’t lie. Most of these guys have training to see through lies.”
“What if they ask me about my family?” Sel asked.
“I’ll be there with you. That is beyond the scope of questioning. Your family had nothing to do with this.” Sel relaxed, but Barry confided in them. “They were called when you were in that bunker, Sel. They know that story, and they’re also liable for trouble being they never came. You all got out of there before they so much as left Salt Lake City.”
Indio asked, “They could get in trouble for that?”
“Not if they don’t agree to come in the first place. See, law enforcement agencies ask for the help of the FBI, but they can’t take all the cases, but they’d already taken this case. Sure, they didn’t know if Brooks could be classified a serial killer, being we only know of two he actively killed. But, with the kidnappings, he was a kidnapper. Just not over state lines that they know of. It’s complicated, but for our part, if they can get us in trouble, we can’t come back on them for their misconduct.”
Sel straightened his back and lost all semblance of being tired and being shaken from nearly being killed. “They have no right!”
Barry’s smile came slowly, but was triumphant. “That’s the attitude we need. Sel, you are the man Brooks tried to kill, and Indio, you’re the one defending Sel. You two were there, you saw what happened and if you stick to that, to the truth, it will kill any case they can have against us.”
“Cases against us,” Sel said. It wasn’t a question. Two times in his life, he’d been witness to the federal agents storming his home and searching for something, anything, to tie his father to crimes.
“Sel, you know.”
“I know.”
The federal agents looked like federal agents. They were in bad suits and had short haircuts, even the two women that were questioning Marius and Dallas.
Sel was taken to an interview room in the back of the sheriff station by Vic Meyers. As soon as she got him inside, she told him, “Don’t say a thing if someone comes in to question you until your attorney is here. They’re trying so hard to pin these crimes on you all instead of that psycho that did this shit.”
“Thanks, Vic, I know the drill.”
Like a mother, she gazed warmly at him. “I’m sure you do, honey. Are you okay? You’re pale as a ghost.”
“Still a little…freaked. I would have never woken.”
“I am gonna bake that biker a cake the size of his Harley. Good guy, you have.”
“I…don’t know if I have him yet.”
“Oh, honey, he’s yours. Don’t worry about that.”
She patted his hand and left the room, and he stared at the blank wall that wasn’t anything more than cinder blocks painted white. Plain white walls, and he tried to blank his mind like the walls, push everything out of it so they’d be unable to read anything on his face. He’d watched Dante and his father do it a million times, with business associates, rivals and law enforcement.
When the woman came into the room, she had a disarming smile as she set down the folder and tablet she’d been carrying, closing the door gently. “Mr. Carrillo, how are you?”
“I’m alive, so that’s a big plus.”
Her smile never widened or faltered. “Of course. Very stressful for you, I’m sure.” After she took a seat on the metal chair across the narrow table from him, she held out her hand and said, “I’m agent Amanda Bennington, Special Agent in Charge.”
The boss. They brought the big guns right to him. Typical.
She took the tablet into her hands and tipped it toward her, hiding the screen from Sel. As she started to swipe, she said, “We’re waiting for your attorney, or was I mistaken?”
“We are. I’m sorry, but I won’t say a thing without him here.”