Page 96 of The Heir
She was a pretty lady, in her late forties, blonde hair cut severely short. Her dark brow raised at his comment, but she didn’t say anything for a moment. When she did, she said, “You’re not being charged with anything, Mr. Carrillo.”
“And I don’t plan to be.”
The tablet was set on the table, and without looking directly at it, and he wouldn’t, he saw a picture of Alex Brooks on the floor with brain matter and blood splattered on the wall behind him. He had great peripheral vision. She wanted him to look at it to see his reaction.
“Why would you be charged, Mr. Carrillo? From what I understand, you were the victim.”
Sel smiled at her and said, “I’ll answer whatever you like, once Barry Monarco comes through the door.”
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Barry came through the door right on time. It had been planned for him to come in late. Sel wanted to gauge what the feds were thinking. As he introduced himself to the agent, he took his seat next to Sel. “Agent Bennington, sorry I’m a little late. I’m handling things for the entire ranch, so I’m sure you understand.”
“Isn’t that a conflict of interest?”
“How? My clients came from a ranch filled with terrorized people being hunted by a psychotic kidnapper and killer. I think the interests are pretty clear, Agent Bennington.”
“Special Agent,” she said, her eyes shining as she smiled her friendly smile.
“Sorry! Forgive me. Now, let’s get this going so Mr. Carrillo can go back to the ranch and get some rest. He’s been terribly shaken up by all this.”
“Oh, I’m sure. Now, Mr. Carrillo,” she said, dragging her eyes slowly from Barry’s. “You told the sheriff you were asleep and didn’t see the suspect in your room. So, how do you know what actually happened?”
Sel’s temper flared, but he didn’t allow it to show. “Let’s see, I was asleep, and I woke up to a gunshot and as my eyes came open, I saw Alex Brooks falling to the ground with half his head missing.”
“So, you didn’t see if he was actually threatening you?”
Barry laughed a little and folded his hands together on the table. “What would a known kidnapper and murderer be doing in the bedroom, in the middle of the night, if it wasn’t to hurt someone?”
“The thing is no one will ever know now.”
“If it was your partner, your child, your father, what would you do?” Sel asked her.
“So, he’s your partner? I know he’s not your parent.” She picked up the tablet again, swiped a few times and said, “No, your parents are Antonio and Selena Carrillo, of the Carrillo family.”
“Yes. They and my siblings are indeed my family.”
“Mr. Carrillo, I think you know that isn’t the family I’m speaking of.”
“I think this interview is over, Mr. Carrillo,” Barry said, pushing back his chair as if he were ready to stand, but she stopped him.
“Please, let’s finish this.”
“Any questions about his family aren’t relevant to this interview. One more, and I’ll end this and you can get a subpoena to move further.”
She sighed and seemed to resign herself to get on with it. “Mr. Carrillo, did you see the weapon?”
“No. Like I said, I woke, it was dark, I saw…I saw him falling, saw blood, but I was very frightened. To be awakened by a noise that loud, my ears rang for an hour.”
“I can imagine. And the man that shot the gun?”
“Indio Baca. He’s a friend of my uncles.”
Again, her dark, thin brow raised. “Of your uncles?”
“Of mine too. I met him through my uncles.”
“I see,” she said, typing something on her tablet. “And he’s a member of the motorcycle club, Aztecas Asesinos. Do you happen to know what that means in Spanish?”