Page 10 of Kingdom of Wolves

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Page 10 of Kingdom of Wolves

The next few days pass quickly.I change and allow Ebony to control each evening. Running with Lykos and Akelain wolf form, who are Troy and Dusk, is great. They are teaching me so muchabout hunting and using my senses that my sight, smell, and hearing haveimproved tenfold in no time at all.

Each evening, we end withplaying, nipping, falling over each other, and pulling tails. I feel like a pupand that’s something I’ve never had, and never expected to have. Even as myhuman side, I had never experienced playing with others after my parents diedand I cherish this now with Lykos and Akela.

Saturday and the town meetinghas come around. I’m nervous about what is going to happen, but Akela isstaying close to me, giving me encouragement and strength. Lykos is making sureboth of us are safe and anyone that looks at us too long he brings his wolf tothe surface and growls, which has them looking down or away from us ratherquickly, much to Akela's amusement.

The large town hall has seatsset out in rows, all facing the staged area at the front. On the stage arethree empty seats, and four other seats have three men and a woman sitting,speaking to each other quietly until they see our approach.

“Step up, Tati, and take theseat in the center,” Lykos states, and I quickly follow his order.

Sitting, I look around andwatch as the hall fills up quickly. People take their seats and wait for themeeting to begin. The noise is pretty loud with excitement, nervousness, andeven some anger. The sensations are new to me, but I can read the atmosphereand can even smell some of the emotions in the hall.

One of the men on the stagesteps forwards and holds his hands up, which has everyone quietening andwaiting for whatever he’s going to say.

“Close the doors, Barnaby.”The man says and waits until the doors are closed and the man takes a seat.“Thank you, everyone, for coming tonight. You all know what the meeting isabout. Lykos has spoken to nearly every house in the town, so don’t give me anyshit that you don’t know what’s happening here.

“We have a rare Alpha femalein our midst, one that has been treated badly since her parents were murderedor died in an accident. As yet, we don’t know which, but we all have ourtheories.

“Many of you come from thesurrounding packs, some from Blackshadow Pack, the same as Tatiana, so you knowthe depths of hell that some of those pack members are living in.

“I will not mess aroundbecause knowing we have Tatiana, who is the selected daughter of Lykos andAkela Greyfoot, we need to know who will stand with us and don’t make anymistake, I stand behind Tatiana.”

Before any more can be said,a young woman stands and looks directly at me. “I want to see your wolf. I wantto know that this isn’t bullshit that’s being thrown at us.”

Lykos again growls while standingand taking a step to the front of the stage. I stand and place my hand on hisarm, looking up and giving him a penetrating look. When I feel him relax, Iturn to the room, everyone watching closely.

We can do this Tati, showthis bitch who we are.

“Who else needs to see mywolf?” I ask, giving eye contact to quite a few, which has some looking away,embarrassed. Others gingerly raise their hands.

When a teenage male standsand looks me in the eye, he grins, then states loudly to the room. “I’d like tosee your wolf, not because I don’t believe you, but because I’m nosy and wantto say I’ve seen an Alpha female.”

That brings his parents ontotheir feet, apologizing for him, and I laugh before answering. “That’s okay, hewas honest. Not a bit of what he said worried me.”

Pulling him down into hisseat and telling him to shut up and not be an asshole has me chuckling before Idecide to get this over with.

Before any more can be said,I give over to Ebony and a second later; she is standing on the stage lookingdown at everyone. The gasps from some and the applause of others have usstanding tall, proud, and large. I’m sure we’ve grown some since we becamebonded with each other.

The people on stage arestanding and slowly walking towards me and when the man who’d opened themeeting holds his hand out to touch me, Ebony growls. He shouldn’t try to touchus without our permission is how Ebony sees it and I have to agree with her.

Stepping back, the man shakeshis head to himself. “Sorry. I was so taken aback that I didn’t think aboutwhat I was doing.”

Turning my head and lookingat Lykos, he gives me a very slight nod and I tell Ebony we’ll turn back again,but to make sure I have my clothes on because I don’t want to be naked in frontof the whole town. With the blink of an eye, I’m back to myself and thankfullyclothed. I step back to Lykos and take my seat.

The woman who’d calledbullshit is looking very sheepish, but she has a set look on her face.

We need to watch her Tati. Ebony states and I’ve got to say I agree with her.

Lykos steps forward and looksdirectly at the woman. “Well, Fragina, are you satisfied now you’ve seen her?You know, since it's such an honor to see a rare female Alpha, something you’llnever see again. But I’ll tell every single one of you in this hall that if youbetray Tatiana, I will kill you, and I’ll do it in front of every one of thetown.”

The woman Fragina looks downto her knees but doesn’t respond and that’s not good enough for Lykos. “FRAGINA,DO YOU HEAR WHAT I SAID?”

Knowing she will not get awaywithout answering, the woman nods, then mumbles ‘Yes’. But others in the hallare looking at her and showing the same disdain that Lykos is showing. I’llhave to remember to ask why when we get home.

That is when I realize that I’mseeing Lykos and Akela as home and for the first time in a long time, I feellike I belong. Leaning over, I take hold of Akela’s hand and give her a hugesmile. She lifts an eyebrow questioningly, and I whisper ‘later’.

Turning to listen to what theman is saying, Akela murmurs, “His name is Thomas Stringbold. He acts as thetown mayor. The others on stage with us help him keep order and keep everythingin town running as it should. The positions are voted for each year, and thewhole town has a vote once they hit sixteen.”

Giving a nod of the head thatI’ve heard and understand, I zone back into what Thomas is saying. “I need avote to see how many want to stand beside, behind, or in front of Tatiana. Forall those that are happy to do that raise your hands.”

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