Page 11 of Kingdom of Wolves
Everyone but six hold theirhands in the air. Thomas steps further forward on the stage, looking from oneto the other before he speaks again. “There are six people in the hall who donot uphold the goddess Selene’s Alpha female in high honor. Everyone else inthe hall please note who they are and in the future, if they betray Tatiana andthose who stand with her, they will be ended in the old way in the town square.Do you all uphold that rule?”
I’m taken by surprise wheneveryone except the six stands and turns their backs on them. I’m not surewhat’s happening, but by the look on the faces of those six, it’s nothing good.
Thomas continues. “Tatianawill come and see the town council next week and we will speak to her aboutwhere we see her future, and where she sees her future. We will never forcewhat we want onto her, but I think a talk about how the town will look out forher has to be approached. You all know what you have to do. Make sure you doit.”
The murmurs when people leaveare more excited than anything else and the young man who asked to see Ebonymakes his way over to the stage when his parents take their eyes off him for aminute.
“Thank you for allowing me tosee your wolf. She is beautiful. May I know her name?”
“Her name is Ebony, and thankyou for being honest when you asked to see her. If you ever want to come to thefarm and see her I’m sure she’ll be happy to see you too.” I tell him and thehuge toothy smile he gives me has Ebony purring. His parents dash over, butbefore they can give him a roasting I quickly speak. “I’m happy for your son tocome out to visit anytime. Please don’t berate him. He has been open and honestand it’s something I’ve never had, so I admire him for that.”
The parents give me a softlook, and the mother speaks. “Thank you, Tatiana, my son is impulsive and hasto learn patience and some manners.”
When I see his ears redden,and his father chuckles, I grin. “What is your name?”
“Brodwin. But everyone callsme Brod. You can call me Brod or whatever you like.” Giving me a beaming smile,which has his parents looking embarrassed for him, which is something he’s notfeeling.
“Okay, Brod, come visitsometime.”
Before he can respond, hisparents drag him away and out the main doors, with Brod complaining about theyalways spoil his fun, and I didn’t mind speaking to him.
Akela is laughing when sheplaces her arm around my shoulders. “You got yourself a fan.” Which has megiggling because I think I do.
We arrange a meeting withThomas and the others for Tuesday and we head home, where I’ve got to say I’mhappy to go. The meeting wasn’t as bad as I expected, but I’m thankful it’sover.
Chapter 5
Sitting at the table in the kitchen, I look over at Lykos, who is havinga heated conversation with Akela. This is all because Akela is angry with thesix town members who didn’t want to support me. I’m keeping quiet as Lykosasked me to do. But watching these two argue is more than a little amusingbecause while they are growling at each other, they touch each other gentlyevery opportunity they get.
Propping my chin in the palm of my hand and elbow on thetable, my eyes follow Akela as she darts around the kitchen. Slamming pots andpans, throwing the tea towel onto the counter, then spinning around with herhands on her hips, face red, scrunched up, and looking like she’s going to blowthe top of her head off in a minute.
Lykos sighs, and stands, giving me a wink which I notice hekeeps Akela from seeing, before walking over to Akela, picking her up chest tochest, and walking her out of the kitchen and up the stairs to the bedrooms.
Giggling, I can’t help but feel that this is how life shouldhave always been. Watching people you care about working, striving, and loving.It's sad for the Blackshadow Pack that they only know of hardship and obeyingorders.
We are lucky to be here with Lykos and Akela. It gives usa feeling of pack and that is what will keep us grounded. Ebony tells meand I think about what she’s said. I agree with her, and the warmth from thetown at the meeting was more than I’d ever had from the Blackshadow Pack.
‘Do you think we’ll have trouble with the six shifters fromthe meeting?’
If they cause trouble, we’ll deal with it. Don’t worryabout trouble that hasn’t happened yet, Tati.
‘Okay. Let’s go outside and feed the chickens until Lykosand Akela finish upstairs.’ I hear Ebony giggle in my mind, and lookinginwards, I can see her curl into a ball and settle down to sleep.
The feelings I have towards Ebony are growing all the time,and I love her already. I cannot imagine any life without her. I grin when Ihear a quiet voice say. I love you too!
Outside I head straight for the chickens and keep my eyeopen for the rooster, who Lykos calls Ro, blooming thing is vicious and way tooprotective over his harem of hens.
I open the small shed and get the chicken feed beforewalking over to the pen. A quick sweep with my eyes shows no sign of Ro, so Iquickly open the gate and go over to the feeders. Filling them as quickly as Ican.
Hearing flapping and clucking, I turn my head and see Romaking his way toward me and I run for it, closing the gate behind me, beforemaking it to the shed, with Ro right behind me. I slam the door closed andgiggle to myself when Ebony tuts and calls me a coward, but is finding thewhole thing amusing.
Tapping on the door I shout, ‘’coming”, trying to sound calmand in control. I open the door gingerly and give an embarrassed smile whenBrod is standing looking at me.
“Is that rooster chasing you? Do you want me to kick itsbutt? I know I’ve not got my wolf yet, but I can still sort that darn thing outfor you.”
Peeking my head out, I ask Brod. “Has he gone?”