Page 49 of Kingdom of Wolves
I step back again and wait for what his next move will be. Ican see he’s getting a little frustrated, and that could be to my advantage. Idon’t want this to hang on too long because Drake said to take out the opponentas quickly and with as little effort as possible.
Stepping forward, Eli throws a punch and I duck to theright. Another punch and I duck to the left. A series of punches which I duckand dodge until Eli growls loudly and throws a kick.
Grabbing his ankle, I flip over, which takes Eli’s center ofgravity and he’s doing his best to stay on his feet when I whirl around andtake his leg back behind him, pushing between his shoulder blades. Watching himfall, I jump onto his back but grab his other ankle and lift my butt beforesitting on both his ankles. I wrap my arm around his neck and pull his headback.
He's doing his best to lift with his arms before trying topush them behind to grab me, but I pull his head further back and grin. Tappingout when his breathing gets too erratic. I lean down, kiss his forehead, thenjump off and back.
Clapping has me looking up, and Lyle is buzzing. You can seehis eyes sparkling with amusement. “Way to go, Tati. You sure did bust hisass.”
“Beginner's luck.” Jade snidely states, and as I didn’t knowshe had arrived, I turn and give her a hard look.
“You want to try to take her down, Jade?” Lyle chuckles.“I’ll pay a hundred to see you get your ass kicked.”
“I’ll take that bet,” Eli adds, before throwing his armaround my shoulders and kissing my temple.
Chief Glen steps up to Jade, looks her in the eye, thengrins. “If you want a bout with Tati, just say and it’ll happen. But know thatif she beats you because you challenged her, you’ll be off the team. I can’tkeep a beaten challenger on the team, and I’ll tell you now, Jade, you can’tbeat her.”
“I can beat her.” Jade snarls, then throws off her hoodieand steps toward me, where I’m still in the training circle.
“You accept or not, Tati?” Chief Glen asks and I look atJade, shrug my shoulders, and nod in agreement.
“Okay. You keep claws in, no dirty shit Jade.” Lyle statesand as I look at him, he gives me a serious look that tells me to really watchJade as she’ll try something bad.
Before I can hardly get a chance to turn around, I see Jaderushing towards me, and as she jumps to land a kick to my head, I grab her legand spin myself, taking her forward movement off center and as I maintain ahold of the leg her upper body crashes to the ground.
Letting go of her leg, I step away, giving her theopportunity to get to her feet. I notice the other elite warriors have arrivedand are standing watching around the training circle.
Jade jumps forward, throws a punch, and slides her foot totrip me over, but I jump over the foot, grab her wrist and pull her forward,where I push my shoulder into her stomach and flip her over my head. She landshard on her back, and I hear all the air gush out of her lungs.
What I don’t expect is the scream of rage a moment beforeshe shifts into her wolf and launches herself toward me. Neither of us expectfour males to step between her and me before she can reach me. Landing on allfour of her feet, the wolf looks from one of the warriors to the other, beforeturning and running towards the training building.
“I’ll be back in a while. Lyle, please take Tati back to thepackhouse, and both of you get showered before I come over and speak to you.I’ll meet you at the library.” Walking away, Chief Glen has an angry look onhis face, and I wouldn’t want to be Jade at this moment.
“That was a shit of a move.” Eli comments and gives me awarm, one-armed hug before stepping away.
“I knew she’d do something. She just can’t help herself,”Sloane states and he’s shaking his head, looking pretty angry too.
“It’s okay. I could have taken her. Ebony was ready to takeher down.” My eyes must have a touch of Ebony showing as Lyle grins and kissesmy forehead.
“Go back to sleep Ebony, Tati is fine.” He murmurs, but thegrin is still in place.
I’ll kill her if she tries that again.
‘I’m okay, Ebony. I could take her, don’t worry.’ I try tocalm her because I can feel her anger against the inside of my skin, and I’mnot liking the itchy way it’s making me feel.
After a shower, I make my way to the library and entering Iquietly walk to the window seat and slide myself onto it, watching out thewindow.
It’s a great pack. The only two that seem to have an issuewith me are Lavender and Jade and that’s because Lavender has this obsessionwith Lyle. Jade, of course, being Lavender’s friend has caused this problemwith the training.
The door opens and Chief Glen walks in, giving me a smile.“Come sit over here Tati.”
I walk over to the table with six chairs around it and takea seat across from Chief Glen. “Is everything alright?” I ask because I’mworried that the problem with Jade has created more trouble than I wanted.
“No. I’ve spoken to Alpha Walker, and he’s perfectly finewith what happened in the training circle. You didn’t do any of that Tati, Jadedid that herself. She’s worked hard in the past to gain her elite warriorstatus, but what she did today shows she’s not fit to carry that title.”
“Oh, I’m sorry.”
“It’s not your fault. She did this all by herself. Shedidn’t need or get help to show her true colors, and sadly, those colors arenot what a warrior from this pack would wear.”