Page 50 of Kingdom of Wolves

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Page 50 of Kingdom of Wolves

The door opens and Lyle walks into the library; he gives mea grin before taking a seat at the table. “Everything okay?” he enquires.

“Everything is fine. Alpha Walker has removed Jade from theelite warrior team. He’s also putting her on notice to restart her trainingfrom the beginning. Now I’m not sure she’ll do it, but that’s another issue.”Chief Glen takes a breath, rubs his neck, then continues. “When you return toWolfsfoot, Lyle and I will go with you. Alpha Walker has spoken to the towncouncil and Drake, and they are in agreement we can accompany you and stay fora week at the farmhouse.”

“Oh, that’s great.” I smile broadly because I’m excited thatthey’ll get to be on my home patch and that Lyle will get to meet Brod. Infact, I’m sure Chief Glen will get a laugh out of meeting Brod, too. “You’llboth get to meet my bestie Brod, he’s only fifteen, but he’s great and he’sbeen helping me run through the forest, get my speed up, and my tree trainingon par. Because let me tell you, he’s faster at tree climbing than I am. He’llwhoop your ass, Lyle.”

“Oh, we’ll see about that.” Lyle laughs.

We spend an hour talking about the two weeks I’ve been hereat Spirit Walker Pack. About the politics of a wolf pack and how the dynamicswork between Alpha, Beta, and Gammas.

When we decide to head out to eat, I’m met with something Inever thought I’d see because as we leave the library we hear a loud squeal,and looking over a young female is looking at a young male as though he hungthe moon. As he rushes over to her, she launches herself into his arms and theyboth say “Mate.”

As the male’s arms settle around her, she flicks her legsuntil they are wrapped around his middle and they are staring into each other’seyes. He walks to the staircase and, without looking where he’s stepping, heascends, and everyone in the hall has a huge smile on their faces.

Turning to look at Lyle, I lift an eyebrow questioningly.“Mates, that’s what it’s like. Instant attraction and nobody should step awayfrom that. I have no idea how anyone could reject their mate. It makes littlesense to me, but it happens. You could see those two didn’t have eyes foranyone else, and Tati, they’ll be like that for the rest of their lives. TheGoddess Selene knows what she’s doing and we have to trust that she does.”

Chapter 20


Walking alongside Tati and Chief Glen, my eyes and ears are on alert. It feelsstrange being in the rogue territory, even though it's Wolfsfoot. The territoryhas been non-violent for a long time, and the rogues are more like a pack thansingle shifters living in the same area.

No-man's-land is a different thing altogether, as SpiritWalker Pack territory shares a border and we have a lot of problems with them.The trouble is, rogues without the pack structure go feral, then they dototally irrational things. Trying to steal she-wolves from us has been an issueand we’ve lost a couple to them over the years. We’ve also had some fight tothe death rather than be taken. That’s one of the reasons our pack decidedyears prior that our she-wolves would learn to fight.

“When’s your birthday? You’ll be seventeen, won’t you?” Ihear Chief Glen ask Tati, and I turn my head to see her response.

“I have another four months before my birthday and yes, I’llbe seventeen.” Tati gives him a smile, but I notice she is watching the area aswe walk.

“You’ll be a while before you will recognize your mate,” Iadd to the conversation.

“Actually, Ebony tells me I’ve not met my mate yet. I don’tknow how she knows, but that is what she’s telling me.” Tati stops walking andlooks to our left. Chief Glen becomes alert, and I reach out with my wolfhearing.

My body stiffens when I hear footsteps pounding and noticinga young male shifter, I put myself on high alert, but my eyes flick to Tatiwhen she shouts “BESTIE!”

Bestie? What the heck is she talking about I’m wondering,but before I can ask her what’s going on, the young male shifter throws himselfat Tati and they are both laughing and play fighting.

Chief Glen and I stand watching the pair of them, and Ican’t help the smile that appears because it's easy to see Tati and this maleare like siblings.

Once they stop messing around, they turn and grin at ourquestioning looks. “This is Brod, he’s my best friend.” Tati grabs hold of Brodaround the neck and scrunches the top of his head.

Brod rolls his eyes but allows Tati to continue playing fora moment. “I’m Brod, Tati’s Bestie, and everyone better remember that.” Oh, my,I keep my smirk to myself and give him the serious response he’s requiring.

“I’m Lyle, and this is Chief Glen. We’re here to spend a fewdays with Tati, Lykos, and Akela, plus have a talk with Drake about Tati’straining.”

Chief Glen has so far made no comments, but it’s obvioushe’s giving the young shifter careful consideration.

“Come on, we all need to get back to the farmhouse. Yourmomma is waiting for you and she’s missed you Tati, the same as I did.” Brodstates seriously.

Eventually, we arrive at the farmhouse, and it’s lovelyhere. The peace hits you and it feels welcoming. Lykos and Akela rush forwardand grab Tati in a hug, nearly squeezing the life out of her, but she’s notbothered in the least if the huge smile on her face is anything to go by.

“Come on in, and I’ll make us a drink,” Akela states and wefollow her into the kitchen, which is large, bright, welcoming, and smellswonderful.

Dropping our backpacks inside the back door, we take ourseats at the bench table. Brod is talking a mile a minute and Tati is grinningat him. It’s easy to see they have a sibling-type relationship and if I’mhonest knowing the history of Tati’s life, it’s great to see she now hasparents and a friend who cares deeply.

“Chief Glen, I’ve spoken to Drake and he’ll be here firstthing tomorrow morning. He said he’ll allow you to train with Tati, but youcannot interfere with her training.” Lykos states and I turn to see ChiefGlen’s reaction.

“That’s fine Lykos. I’m interested in how he’s trainingTati. She has good responses, good technique, and an understanding of what sheis capable of. I’d like to see Lyle improve a little while we are here, as heis the Alpha heir of the Spirit Walker Pack.”

Tati takes a seat opposite and Brod sits next to her, bothlooking at me with smirks on their faces. Now that makes me nervous becausethey know something I don’t about Drake and his training methods.

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