Page 65 of Kingdom of Wolves
Anika and Holah are dragged to the challenge circle and thewarriors that have arrived turn their backs to show the disgust and disrespectthey feel for them as fellow shifters.
Porter steps into the circle and Anika doesn’t wait foranything to be said to her. She steps away from the warrior holding her arm andrushes towards Porter; he doesn’t move until the last second and when I seewhat you could only call red rain flying as his hand slashes across her front;I know he’s taken out her throat in one movement. Her body drops to the groundand after a few twitches, stops moving. Porter walks out of the circle andstands next to me with no expression on his face at all.
Ulmer steps into the circle as two warriors drag Anika outby her legs, with no respect for the body of someone like this. No service ofremembrance, just throwing into a firepit, later turning the body into ash.
Frowning when I hear Holah begging for mercy, I side-eyePorter, who I can see, has a small smirk on his face. Turning to look at me, heeventually grins. “Justice, Flint. This is justice. Do you think theWinterstorms would beg for mercy? I would think not.”
A cry has both of us quickly looking forward and Ulmer runsto Holah, grabs his head in both hands, and twists his neck so fast I don’tthink Holah even saw what was happening. His body drops to the ground and Ulmerlooks at the witnessing warriors, speaking loud and clear.
“This is justice for two shifters that were a disgrace to usall, and more so, because they were in a position to be trusted, and looked upto for guidance and help. Never will we allow a council member to survive whatthese two did. Remember this for the future.”
We don’t wait to see the bodies taken away, or the pit beinglit. I wouldn’t waste my time watching them burn. We hold our heads high,knowing we’ve done what was needed, and cleansed the filth from the council.
Chapter 26
Sunday morning and working next to Momma Akela feeding the animals,cleaning their pens, and enjoying the peace. I’m surprised when I see a vehiclecoming up to the farm.
“Who’s this?”
Momma Akela steps beside me. “Not sure, but we’ll know in aminute.” I can see from the look on Momma’s face she’s linking with Poppa Lykosinforming him we have a visitor.
The vehicle comes to a halt, and when the driver's dooropens Flint steps out. Surprising me even more when Mr. Oakfold and Mr.Riverrun climb out as well. I look at Momma Akela and she has a set look on herface, so I’m not sure what’s going on, but I know it’s a wait-and-see moment.
“Akela, I’m sorry we’re here without informing youbeforehand, but we’ve had a development and need to speak to you, Lykos, andTatiana.” Flint walks over to us. “Tatiana may remember Ulmer Oakfold andPorter Riverrun from the shifter council.”
I give them a small smile and wait for whatever is going tohappen next, but Ebony distracts me when she shouts. Mate, I can smell mate.
‘Oh, dear no, don’t say one of these council shifters is my mate?’my stomach lurches at the thought because I know it’s not Flint, but the othertwo are older and no way am I mating with one of them.
No, not them, but I can smell him. These have been aroundhim. Our mate is with the shifter council.
‘Oh, well, that’s not so bad then.’ I respond, feelingthankful that I’d not be landed with an old man as a mate. But who could it be,I wonder?
“Come inside. I’ll make us a drink. Lykos is on his way backto the farmhouse.” Momma Akela states, and I follow her back to the farmhouseand into the kitchen.
I stay alert and listen as Flint talks about nonsense withMomma Akela as I make drinks for everyone. I take out the tin where Momma Akelakeeps her honey biscuits and place some on a plate before laying the plate onthe table.
Poppa Lykos walks into the kitchen and gives the threecouncil members a strong look before washing up and taking a stance against thecounter. I stay on one side of the kitchen and sit on the spare stool that iskept under the counter.
“Okay, let’s not waste time. Get down to why you’re here?”Poppa Lykos states firmly.
Flint looks over at me, then back to Poppa Lykos. “We had aninvestigation into the deaths of Tatiana’s parents. It wasn’t an accident.Benjamin, the warrior from Spirit Walker Pack along with one of my warriorsRoul, found the proof in a diary one of the shifters who murdered your parentswrote. He explained that he’d written in the diary as he realized he’d not beallowed to live, because he could point the finger at the guilty party whoinstigated the murders.”
“It was Alpha Torrance, wasn’t it? Who instigated it?” Iask, but I know before he responds that I’m right.
“Yes, it was. He had the help of Anika Greenstorm and HolahHardmain. They covered up what Torrance was doing. I’ll not go into detail, butthey were disgusting, and they have been dealt with. They were dispatchedyesterday by Ulmer and Porter.” Flint is looking at me now, waiting for aresponse.
“Okay. What happens now with Alpha Torrance?” Momma Akelawalks over and wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me into a soft hug,allowing me to still watch Flint, but take her comfort.
Porter Riverrun responds to my question. “We would like youto come to Blackshadow Pack to see the punishment meted out to Alpha Torrance.We have spoken about the heinous act of the Alpha, all when he was a Beta totake over the pack. It was planned and executed for that purpose.
“We don’t know if Connell will want to dispatch his fatheror if the pack will want to end him in the ‘old way’, but the pack has theright to do that because their Alpha and Luna were murdered.”
Poppa Lykos stands and looks from one to the other. “If Tatiis going to Blackshadow Pack, then I’m coming too. No way will I allow mydaughter to face that alone.”
Ulmer sighs. “We had no intention of not allowing you tocome, Lykos. Of course, you must come and support Tatiana. But we need to knowif Tatiana wants to take over the pack, as she is the rightful heir.”