Page 66 of Kingdom of Wolves
“No, I don’t want to be anything for that pack. I’ll come andsee justice delivered, then I’ll return here to my home. If I decide to rule apack, I’ll bring Wolfsfoot up to pack status.”
‘Aw, shit, Ebony. I just said that, why didn’t you stop me?I’ve not decided as yet what I want to do.’ I hear Ebony cackle in the back ofmy mind.
We both know you’ll make Wolfsfoot into a pack. But asthe female Alpha or as a Luna, we have yet to see.
Momma Akela gives me a squeeze to gain my attention. “Poppawill go with you; he’ll not leave your side. You go, do what is needed, andcome home. I’ll keep things right here; I’ll call your brother and bestie tocome and give me a hand.”
“When do you want to go?” I ask but look at Poppa Lykos as Ispeak.
“We’ll leave here early tomorrow morning,” Flint replies.“We’re going to stay at the town council for the day and evening and we’ll pickyou both up here at midnight. We’ll arrive at Blackshadow early enough to catcheveryone at breakfast.”
The back door opens and Brod flies inside, coming to a haltwhen he sees the shifter council sitting and drinking tea. “Oh, sorry, I didn’trealize we had visitors, Momma.”
I can’t help the giggle that bursts out from my lips at thewe have visitors and Momma. Nothing is lost on Momma Akela and she flicks andsnaps a tea towel, which was conveniently near on the counter at Brod, but shehas a smile on her face. “Get out of here. You can go with him, Tati, but don’tgo wandering away from the farm.”
The day quickly melts away, and I go to bed early so I canhave a few hours sleep before we leave at midnight. When Momma Akela wakes me Ifeel like I could stay in bed for quite a few more hours.
“Come on, Tati, you need to get dressed. I’ll make you adrink, so get a move on. You have half an hour before it’s time to leave.”
Climbing out of bed, I wash, brush my teeth and comb myhair, then quickly dress in jeans, a t-shirt, hoodie and boots. It’ll be warmenough, and it’s not like we’re going for anything fancy. We’re going to seejustice done.
Flint, Ulmer and Porter arrive and it’s only a few minutesbefore I’m in the back of the vehicle leaning on Poppa Lykos’ shoulder,napping.
Ebony keeps waking me from the light slumber, mumbling aboutsmelling our mate and where he could be. But it seems all three of the shiftercouncil carry his scent, but they deal with such a lot of shifters they couldhave picked the scent up from any number of places.
Arriving at Blackshadow Pack, and the packhouse, my nervesbuild, and I grip Poppa Lykos’ hand.
‘It’s okay Tati, I’ll not let anything happen to you and neitherwill the shifter council.’ Poppa Lykos mind links.
I nod my head in response and take a deep breath. I’mhere with you Tati, no one will hurt you because if they try, I’ll rip theirface off. I manage to hold my grin when Ebony speaks to me because shereally is vicious when she wants to be.
Walking towards the packhouse once we’ve climbed out of thevehicle, I stay near Poppa Lykos’ side. Porter Riverrun stays on my other sideand keeps giving me looks to assure me all is well.
Connell appears in the doorway of the packhouse, as he wouldhave been informed by the border warriors we were on our way, so he was readyto show himself early. “Good morning, council members.” Connell gives them asmall nod and looks at Poppa Lykos and then me, showing surprise at myappearance.
“We need you to call a pack meeting, Connell, and you needto call it now,” Flint states more than a little firmly. We all know thecouncil could command anyone to call the meeting, but to tell the heir to thepack makes it far more official.
“What’s this about?” Connell asks and when Beta Goldmansteps up on the left, I see Connell relax slightly. Interesting.
“We have news we need to inform the pack, and all packmembers apart from border warriors need to attend, plus the Alpha.” Flint stepstowards the door and Connell quiets and links with the pack. It’s easy to seehis wolf is flashing in his eyes too, which shows that Connell is uneasy andhis wolf is alert.
Half an hour later, we are in the pack meeting hall. Nearlyall the pack are here and standing and mumbling to each other, wondering why weare here and what is happening.
Beta Goldman and Connell walk into the hall, one on eachside of Alpha Torrance. My stomach rolls at the sight of him, but Ebony growlsin the back of my mind, sending some of our power out towards him.
Poppa Lykos places a hand on my shoulder and whispers.“Ebony, calm down. Stop throwing your power. It is your weapon, you keep ithidden for now.”
Ebony calms but she’s alert and watching through my eyes everymove Alpha Torrance and Connell make. Flint steps in front of the pack andholds his hand out for everyone to be quiet, but before he can speak, AlphaTorrance snarls.
“What are you doing here? What do you want, and why have youcalled a meeting without my permission?” I’m shocked because as he’s speaking.I’m watching drool hanging out of his mouth, his eyes have a red hue aboutthem, and he has a sprouting of hair all over his face and arms.
Poppa Lykos murmurs more to himself than to me, although Iam the nearest to him. ‘Feral’.
Ulmer and Porter have stepped further forward and have theireyes pinned on Alpha Torrance. Ulmer speaks loud and clear. “Alpha Torrance,you are hereby charged with the murder of Alpha and Luna Winterstorm. Thepenalty for their murder is death.”
Snarling loudly, Alpha Torrance lunges for Ulmer but beforehe reaches him Beta Goldman and Connell have him between them but arestruggling to hold him. The noises that the Alpha is making are pure wolf andI’m not sure who else may be seeing this for what it is, but there is nothingleft of Brutus Torrance. This is all Toxic.
Merry steps out of the pack and looks at the Alpha, then thecouncil members. “Do we, the pack, have the right to ask if you have proof ofthis?”