Page 94 of Kingdom of Wolves

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Page 94 of Kingdom of Wolves

“I’ll take it with mine, and we’ll catch up with you in awhile,” Hazel states, giving me a nod of the head to follow Xander who’s turnedand started walking away.

Following Xander I study the hall and take note as we passoffices along the way. Reaching a pair of double doors with intricate patterns,Xander knocks, and we wait for the call to ‘enter’.

Opening the door, Xander indicates by holding his hand outfor me to pass and enter the office before he closes it behind me, and I seeAlpha Blueblood behind a massive desk. The female standing by his side, hand onhis shoulder, must be Luna Sage, who I’ve not met previously.

“Tatiana, this is my mate, Luna Sage. My darling, this isTatiana, the female I spoke to you about. She is a strong female and as yetdoes not realize her true worth, but I hope you can help her while she ishere.” Alpha Blueblood gives her a kiss when she reaches down to kiss hischeek, before turning to smile at me once more.

“Good day, Luna. Thank you for allowing me to visit yourpack.” I am careful to be polite and respectful, as Drake has taught me.

“Good day, Tatiana. It is good to have you here, and I hopewe can get to know each other. My mate has asked me to show you my duties, soyou’ll have an idea of what a Luna does within the pack. Would that be okaywith you?” Luna Sage asks, giving me such a welcoming and calming look that I’mnot sure anyone could deny her anything.

“That would be lovely. I followed Alpha Lyle when he wasAlpha Heir and learned so much about how he worked and what responsibilities hehad. The warrior training was interesting and not much less than I knew of withmy trainer. I cannot speak of my trainer, so please don’t ask me specificsabout him or my training.” I nearly said something I shouldn’t and could kickmyself.

Be careful, we don’t want to betray Drake even byaccident.

‘I know. I’ll be more careful.’ I reply to Ebony.

“Come, let’s start your Luna training.” Luna Sage smiles,and after kissing Alpha Blueblood once more, leads me out of the office.

“We have to start in the kitchen. Cook Coldstone, but wecall her Cook Ash as she burned everything she touched when she first startedcooking.” Luna Sage laughs.

Walking into the kitchen, it’s a nice mixture of males andfemales, all busy clearing away the lunch dishes and prepping for supper, asit’s called here at the Eclipse Pack.

A portly lady walks over to us, wiping her hands on theapron that is tied around her waist. “Hello, Luna. How can I help you?”

“Good afternoon, Cook Ash, I’ve brought Tatiana to youbefore anyone else, because I know of the importance of your position in thepack. Now, if you can run through things quickly for our guest, I can move onto the next place I need to cover before supper.”

The next hour I listened to Cook Ash as she informed me ofeverything from how to wash dishes, which I know intimately, but I don’t tellher about that, to placing orders for food, or appliances.

After thanking her for the information she has supplied andher kindness in offering that anytime I want to come back to the kitchen I’d bemade more than welcome, we make our way outside.

“Okay, now let’s go to the nursery.” Smiling so sweetly theLuna quickly walks toward a small building with a fenced area around the sideand back.

Opening the door, the sound of pups playing hits you.Laughter and childish chatter. A female rushes over and tips her head to theside, giving the Luna respect. “Hello, Luna Sage. We are in the process ofgetting the pups ready for their parents to arrive. But as you can see, it’sthe usual bedlam that you’ll find here.”

The Luna laughs, but I’m too busy watching one of the pupsjumping around and pretending to be a wolf. I don’t know why we call them pupswhen we don’t get our wolves until we turn sixteen, but that is what we callthem, nonetheless. This child is darting around and so full of energy that Ican’t help the smile that crosses my face.

“That’s Coal. He’s a live wire. His parents are warriors,high-ranking, and I’m sure he’s going to be a huge asset to the pack. But untilhe gets grown, he’s going to continue being a pain in my rear, I’m sure.” Thefemale laughs, which has the Luna smiling too.

The pup sees us watching and before anyone can do a thing;he runs over, grabs my legs, and climbs up my body and into my arms. I grabhold of him because I don’t want him to hurt himself. Smiling, I look at hisgrubby face and when he gives me a huge smile, I can’t help but giggle at him.

Throwing his arms around my neck, he tucks his head under mychin, wrapping his legs around my waist. I place a hand under his butt and onearound his back, holding him against me. Looking at the Luna who has a softsmile on her face, we both smirk when the pup lets out a snore.

Taking a seat, I keep hold of the pup watching the othersplaying while we wait for the parents to arrive. One by one, the pups arepicked up and a young female rushes in, apologizing for being a little late.Seeing me holding her pup, she places a hand over her mouth in shock.

“Oh, I’m so sorry. Coal is such a little spitfire. I hope hehasn’t caused a problem.”

The Luna laughs. “Eve, don’t worry about Coal. He’s going tobe a great addition to the pack when he’s an adult. He befriended Tatiana andafter climbing up into her arms, he fell asleep.”

Eve looks at me with a little panic on her face, but I kissthe top of Coal’s head and smile at her. “Here you go. You can have your littlemonkey back now. He can sure climb, and when he’s older, maybe I can teach himhow to climb trees as fast as I can.”

“I’m sure he’d like that. Anything that is energetic anddirty he loves. We always said we wanted four pups, but I think Coal makes upthat number on his own.” Eve giggles and we all laugh along with her. TakingCoal carefully, Eve thanks everyone and makes her way out of the nursery.

The supper in the dining room passes without incident. I sitwith the females from lunch, and we talk about anything and everything. It’sgood to relax with others and not have someone sending bad vibes towards me.

I have to admit to myself this is a good pack and if I wasgoing to turn the town into a pack, this is how I’d like it to be. Everyonehere has their job ensuring the pack runs smoothly, and not one person I’ve metso far shows any kind of aggression or hostility.

The first week passes quickly. I have seen the kitchen,nursery, housekeeping, warrior training, and the pack businesses. I’ve alsoattended a warrior meeting where the no-man’s-land issue was discussed. As itwas left with no real conclusion, it will be discussed again at next week'smeeting. I think that holding weekly meetings shows the warriors what they domatters, and they have input as to how they feel they can keep the pack safe.

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