Page 95 of Kingdom of Wolves

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Page 95 of Kingdom of Wolves

Being called to see the Alpha doesn’t worry me at all. I’vefound nothing threatening at this pack, in fact, I’ve been made so welcome thatif I was looking for a pack to join, I would consider joining the Eclipse Pack.

Knocking on the door of Alpha Blueblood’s office, I enterwhen he calls out. Standing in front of his desk, I give him a small tip of myhead, showing him the respect I believe he has earned.

“Take a seat, Tatiana.”

Sitting in front of his desk, I place my hands in my lap andwait patiently for whatever I’m here for.

“I hope this first week has been a good one. Luna Sage tellsme you've seen everything and are looking forward to doing some training withthe other females. I’m happy for you to do that, but don’t feel you have to doanything you don’t want to do. You are here to learn about an Alpha and Luna'sduties.” Linking his fingers together, leaning his elbows on the desk, theAlpha looks at me closely. “I do hope we have given you something to thinkabout when you go home, Tatiana. Being in a pack does not have to be like theBlackshadow Pack. I’m sure that Alpha Connell will change the way his pack runsas I don’t think he is a bad male, he just had a bad parent and Alpha. Flint ishelping him learn and, after a recent slap down, he knows how far he can go nowbefore a revolt could happen.”

“I like your pack. The females have been very welcoming, andthat is something I’ve never experienced before. Your Luna is beautiful, and Idon’t mean just in looks. She is really beautiful inside, and out and if I canbe half the female she is, I’ll be lucky.”

Alpha Blueblood puffs his chest with pride before replying.“Tatiana, you are an incredible female and you will create an amazing pack, ifthat is what you decide. The town has been a good place for shifters that hadno option but to become rogue and usually not of their own making. That is whatwill create and bind a pack into being something special.”

“My mind isn’t totally made up yet as to what I want to do.But the people that live in Wolfsfoot deserve a say before I make any decision.When I get back, I’m going to call a town meeting and see what the town wantsfrom me. If they don’t want a pack, I’m happy to stay a rogue with them or joinSpirit Walker or Eclipse Pack. Both packs have made me welcome, and I’ve seengood pack members in both. I’m not sure Alpha Lyle would forgive me if I cameto the Eclipse Pack, mind you.” Laughing when I imagine Lyle’s expression.

“Whatever you decide, do it because you feel it’s right foryou, and not because you feel you have to do it. That never works well in theend.”

Knocking on the door urgently has both of us spinningaround. Alpha Blueblood shouts to enter, and Chief Dixon storms inside theoffice. “Alpha, the rogues from no-man’s-land have invaded the edge of ourterritory. Permission to take all the warriors and head them away from thepackhouse.”

“Yes, I’ll come too.” Alpha Blueblood jumps to his feet andrushes out of the office behind Chief Dixon, with me close on their heels.

Seeing all the warriors waiting in wolf form, I run behindthe Alpha and shift mid-stride into Ebony, and while I hear shocked gasps atEbony’s size and speed; I ignore them and keep alongside Alpha Blueblood.

Before we reach anywhere near the border we meet with a massof rogue wolves and engage head-on. I allow Ebony to take full control. I amnow an observer as to what is to happen or happening.

A large gray wolf meets us savagely, rearing onto his hindlegs, snarling and snapping, trying to grab our neck. Ebony drops underneathhim, taking him by surprise and raking her claws along his underbelly, rippinga gash wide enough for his entrails to fall.

Turning fast, knowing nothing will save the wolf, Ebonyturns to another that is sneaking up behind Alpha Blueblood. Lunging onto thewolf’s back, grabbing hold of its neck, she throws her head left to right,ripping the skin and fur.

When another wolf joins Ebony, we finish it quickly, beforeturning to the next. We fight until the rogues turn and run, with all of usfollowing. Hitting the border territory, we stop and watch as they meet thetown warriors who tear into them while we watch.

I don’t need to step into the town territory but seeingMayor Stringbold holding off two wolves I murmur to Ebony to go help, hence westep out of the Eclipse territory and launch ourselves onto another wolf,giving the Mayor the chance to defend and ultimately defeat the rogue.

The rogues that are left, which are only a few, now take offrunning for their lives, and I turn to the Mayor, shifting quickly to speak.“Are you alright?”

Mayor Stringbold nods. “Thank you, Tati. I think you savedmy life. Why are the rogues trying to invade into our territory? I don’tunderstand, we’ve never had problems like this. Now they’ve been into all thepack territories.”

“I don’t know what is happening, but the town is going toneed a meeting. I was going to call a meeting if the council would allow itwhen I came home. Let me know if that’s okay when I get back, please.” Iquickly walk back to the Eclipse Pack border and wait for Alpha Blueblood toinvite me back before I take a step over the borderline.

The second week at the Eclipse Pack runs smoothly, and withno further issues with the rogues. Making my way to the border once more, I seePoppa Lykos and Drake waiting for me on the other side. Turning, I hug Hazeland Chief Dixon before I step over, and I am grabbed into a hug.



Back at the farmhouse, Momma Akela grabs me into a hug. “Oh,it’s good to have you home, Tati.”

“It’s nice to be home, but I have a lot to do this week. Iwant to call a town meeting to discuss things with town members. You will bepacking to leave too, I would think. So, we may not see each other much this weekbefore you leave for the shifter council.” I can see the sadness in her eyes,but I haven’t done this. It was their decision to leave, no matter what thereasons behind it.

The back door flies open and Brod runs in, picking me up andswinging me around, laughing loudly. “You’re home. I’ve missed you, bestie.”

“I’ve missed you too. This week we have a lot to do beforePoppa and Momma leave.”

“Yeah, but I’ve been helping Poppa Lykos while you’ve beenaway. The town council has asked for help for the farm, and I’ve been releasedfrom school and doing private lessons with Eve Planter at the town counciloffice twice a week in the evening. That way I can help here during the day.”Brod is gushing with excitement.

Poppa Lykos enters the kitchen with Drake behind him. Theyboth take a seat at the kitchen table and give me an assessing look.

Drake speaks and looks at Brod and back to me. “Lykos andAkela are leaving tomorrow. They have packed and prepared while you have beengone. Flint needs Lykos to learn his position as soon as possible, but whetheryou like it or not, I’m moving in with you here for the time being. Brod isworking with us during the day and will, for now, only stay here two nights aweek. That is his parents’ stipulation for him helping here.

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